Tuesday, March 31, 2015

#TuesdayTen: What's in Your Freezer?

Happy last day of March! Is it just me or did that month just fly by? It seems like only yesterday that I was complaining about February!
The kiddos are on Spring Break this week and they're spending some time with my parents. I've got a little more flexibility in my schedule than usual. I've had so much fun...folding laundry and watching videos of my kids when they were little. I'm a real party animal, ya know!

Oh! I also made a video of what's in my freezer, since that's the topic for #TuesdayTen this week. What are ten things you're willing to share about in your freezer?


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Come link up again next April 7: In honor of "No Housework Day" What are ten chores you wish you never had to do again?

The Liebers


  1. My freezer actually is pretty organized, but that is because Kevin is a bit OCD when putting groceries away. Trust me if it were left up to me, everything would just be in there and tossed in pretty haphazardly 😉

  2. Mine is usually more organized than this, but I haven't used it much lately. We have a big upright freezer in the basement that's a whole 'nother discussion, though! LOL!

  3. Yay for the Mom only Klondike bars! My freezer is always a mess!The kid's up end it all of the time looking for Popsicles ! Enjoy your spring break!

  4. Fun that you made this a video!!
    We have a stand-up freezer in our garage that is full of meat (actually it will be full again in about a month) since we buy beef from a farmer.
    Inside I keep veggies, vodka, margarine, shredded cheese and sometime ice cream for the boys.

  5. My freezer is super empty! We have a handful of meats and bacon in there, and bags of vegetables on the side, and ice packs like yours :) I should use my freezer more!

  6. Hi Rabia, I was going to say I envy you your exciting life...Then I remembered I have my own washing pile to go to town on and if I'm really lucky I'll get to vacuum the house before the children get home from school! I have my very own exciting life!....

    I have no idea what a mint and chocolate chip Klondike bars are, but anything mint, chocolate chip would be mine in this house too. Although I'd have to tuck in whilst my 'Darlings' are at school.

    I though I was the only person with bananas in the freezer! I use mine in smoothies or to make ice cream.

  7. Well my husband bought the Klondike bars, so I do have to share with him, but otherwise no one else!
    I'm lucky because mine can't reach it that well. They only look for waffles anyway.

  8. Our spring break isn't until late April but I hope I get some time to myself! That does sound exciting. Even better than laundry.
    I love emergency toast! I really want a klondike bar now!

  9. I think Ken ate the last Klondike bar last night. He'll probably buy more though, we've been addicted lately!!


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