Tuesday, January 20, 2015

#TuesdayTen: Time Capsule

Have you seen those collections that seem to make the rounds of social media every once in a while? The ones for old ads that poke fun at the products people used to use? Or maybe the ones of products from the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s with people waxing nostalgic about the way things used to be? I love looking through those and reflecting on how different times were long ago.
So what kind of a message would I want to send to the future? If I could put together a time capsule full of things that reflect how life is today, what would go in it? What items would make future citizens of earth the most interested in the way things were in 2015?
  1. iPhone with charger-What version will we be on in 100 years? Will any of the apps still work?
  2. Print out of a Pinterest board-Let's show those future people just how crazy we could be sometimes!
  3. DVD and player-I'm guessing that the way we watch videos in the future will be different. Heck, my kids don't even know how to work a VHS player!
  4. A textbook-Something tells me that textbooks, and maybe books in general, will be relics in 100 years.
  5. A Happy Meal toy-Maybe I'll even include some Chicken McNuggets. We all know they don't go bad!!
  6. Cash money/coins-I barely use cash money now. I wonder if it will exist at all in the future?
  7. A Nicholas Sparks/Jodi Picoult novel-Let's just make those future humans cry, shall we!!
  8. Monster High doll-I don't understand this trend now. Wonder if it will freak out people in the future?
  9. Lego set-This will either really confuse people in the future or get them all excited because of their "vintage value!"
  10. Used car catalog-My husband picks these up to peruse. It would be a good way to show off what cars used to look like.
What would you put in a time capsule for the future?

Your Tuesday Ten hostesses are:

The Teacher Wife
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Come link up again next Tuesday, January 27, when the topic will be 10 things you could not live without!
The Liebers


  1. Emma's school just actually opened an old time capsule from 25 years ago and buried a new one. We got to see what they dug up by the way and although I knew what all was inside, it did totally feel like another lifetime ago with old newspapers and old computer floppy disks and such. Crazy how much things do change in 25 years!

  2. Hahaha Lego!!! That is a brilliant idea, who doesn't have Lego in their house? As for #2 show your kids a walkman and cassette tape, that will get them thinking :)
    Love your list!


  3. Omigosh, the DVD player! But you know what? 10 years ago I took all this home video of my infant son on Hi-8 cassette. About 3-4 years ago I got it burned to DVD...but now with Blu-Ray and DVR, etc. I'm not sure that having them on DVD means I'll be able to watch them when I'm old and gray!

  4. This is a fun list! I don't get Monster High either or why my little ponies became weird half pony people. *shakes head*

  5. That sounds like so much fun! I really want to do a family time capsule, but I've never actually sat down to figure it out. I really should!

  6. I could have even mentioned records. My kids have seen them, but I don't think they would know what to do with one!

  7. I know! I just got rid of a tape player we didn't need anymore and the kids laughed at it!

  8. Oh my gosh! I know! We think we have technology that will stick around, but we really don't know!

  9. Wait? What!?! Half pony people?? I'm really out of the loop there!

  10. You should include a Twinkie! I bet they could even eat it in 100 years and it still wouldn't be bad :) They would probably look at our DVD player like we look at the original home computers of the 80's.

  11. Wow, these are great. They show just what kids of today (and you as their mother) are into. I love a good Jodi Picoult novel too.

  12. I like this weeks 10!!! Funny that you and Dana had several items the same!!

  13. Interesting!!! I can't imagine having an iPhone100!! LOL. I have learned how to operate a VHS when was a kid. It was a classic! Textbooks - yeah, there's a high chance they'll stop publishing. On my end though, I still use cash more than plastics. It would be so cool to get rid of cash. But if that's the case, stores should accept all types of cards then. LOL. I wanna have my own time capsule!! :)

  14. I have NEVER understood the Monster High thing. They are like freaking anorexic dolls. I think people would love to see all the stuff we think of as new now. I know we like to look at old stuff :)

  15. The chicken nugget made me giggle! And smart to put the charger in for the electronics because you KNOW they're not going to be making anything that resembles THAT charger. They are in it for the money (pet peeve of mine). Hmmm- maybe I'd put in some money - wonder if in 100 years we'll be using all electronics rather than cash.

  16. Great list! I was showing a VHS movie at our church over the summer and I said out loud "Oh! I need to rewind it." The kids in the room were 4-6 years old and none of them knew what I was talking about! I felt so old. :-)

  17. I'm sure the chicken nuggets would survive! You and I thought a lot alike - although I'm happy to say I know nothing about Monster High dolls!

  18. Twinkies, McNuggets, and a Coke! Those should all survive 100 years, right??

  19. I think it's a pretty good representation of life today.

  20. Well, you know what they say...great minds think alike!

  21. We have k-12 textbooks here in my library. I keep hearing that they are going out of style and we won't be getting as many any more. The collection has gotten smaller just in the three years I've been here.

  22. I think this is such a fascinating prompt! I'd love to put my camera in there, after getting a brand new one, of course. Just because I love to collect old cameras and I bet someone in the future will too!

  23. I think that trend (fascination with the past) will continue. It's always nice to keep in touch with the past to see where we came from.

  24. I know. I have a iPod and iPhone that use one charger and an iPad that uses the newer one. Gotta bring in the money!!

  25. LOL! My kids have no idea what it means to rewind!! When we watch videos at their grandfather's house they get mad when they can't watch something twice in a row!!

  26. I don't know a lot about them either. My friend mentioned them and I think they would cause a few WTF moments?


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