Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Mommy Brain; Alternately Titled: Did I Lock the Van?

Do you ever feel like you're forgetting something? I have that feeling a lot. It's not an overwhelming feeling, like some people who have OCD might encounter. This is more of a little whisper on occasion. I blame it on lack of sleep and a fractured brain that is always worried about other things: kids, dinner, getting to work on time, etc. My brain is pulled in so many different directions it sometimes fizzles out and I can't remember the simplest of things.

I do a lot of things on auto-pilot. In the mornings, I drop Benjamin at day care and then take Frances to school. I take the same route from there to my job. I park in pretty much the same parking space every day. And every day when I open the car door, I manually lock them with the switch on the inside of the door. I get my bag out o the car and head to the door. Midway to the door, I pause. Did I remember to lock the door?

Yes! I did remember! I think...Maybe I'll just lock it again with the button. So I push the button, but now I'm too far away from the van to hear the locks engage, so I keep pushing it until the horn beeps to let me know that YES, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD YOUR DOORS ARE LOCKED!

So sorry to people in the neighborhood across the street. My brain obviously needs a vacation.

There are other things that I forget doing too. When I get home at night, I take off my jewelry and put it in my jewelry organizer. Except for my watch. If I take off my watch I won't know when to cut off dinner time and send the kids to bed. I'll have to get up fro the table, go grab my phone and check the time. But then I have my phone at the table and I feel like that's setting a bad example. So I keep my watch on.

That means in the morning, I can't find it. If I end my day by sitting on the couch, I'll usually take it off and place it on the table there. But if I go to the bathroom at a certain point, I'll leave it in there. Sometimes I forget to take it off until I get in bed and then I leave it on Ken's dresser. I never remember where it is, but those are three pretty good places to look. Once I lost it for about three months. It ended up being in the couch cushions!

I also lose my pedometer quite frequently for the same reasons. If only I could somehow, by magic, get an accounting of how many steps I take each morning while looking for my pedometer. That's some kind of messed up, in my opinion! I wish they could make it bright yellow so it would be easier to find!

Don't even get me started on my keys! Ken even made me a key hanger by the front door. It holds mail and extra keys. He lovingly put little hooks underneath to hang things. He was so proud of himself when he gave it to me. And when I lose my keys, you can barely hear the irritation in his voice when he asks if I've looked on the key rack. He's such a good man!

Do you have trouble remembering things? Is it "mommy brain" or something else?

I'm linking up today with Lisa's One Word Challenge. Again, I've only managed to slip in two of the three choices. Did you find them?


  1. Unity! :) Glad to know that you got a little workout prior to your "counted" workout.

  2. After Anneliese was born a friend told me that there is a memory hormone the baby sucks up in the last trimester and it takes us about 6 months to a year to rebuild that specific hormone. So my thought is after multiple children does that hormone ever really come back? Because you sound exactly like me!

  3. I get Mommy Brain ALL the time! I'll ask my kids a question, and then ask them the same question 10 minutes later! They get tired of answering me!

  4. First it was pregnancy brain, then mommy brain and now I would just forget my head if it weren't attached! Seriously, I could so relate and am so forgetful. You aren't alone at all in this.

  5. You and my husband are the SAME!!!! He is forever calling me to ask where is this or that. He told me yesterday he thinks he may have Alzheimer's, this was after misplacing his wallet. He found it, and I found my sanity!!!!

  6. Yup! I forget things often. I worry I might get Alzheimer's because it happens so dang often!

  7. I used to think Mommy Brain was something that only happened during pregnancy, but I haven't been pregnant in over 7 years and I still have it!!!! :-)

  8. I'm anal about keys - we have hooks by the garage door - Chris isn't quite so anal!!
    I think the thing I check the most often is the door to the venue - for some reason I'm always double/triple checking to make sure I actually locked it. Maybe because we don't key lock any doors at our house so it is the only door I key lock.

  9. Mommy Brain. I love that label for it, Rabia. :) I'm in my mid fifties now ... but the next time I forget something (which should only be mere seconds from now), I'd definitely going to refer to it as Mommy Brain. Love it!

  10. LOL! Why can we remember all the words to all the cartoon theme songs, but we can't remember if we locked the door (or shut the garage)!?!

  11. My youngest is 4, almost 5 and I still feel pretty dumb most days!

  12. Here too! Mine get a little snitty the third time I ask the same thing!

  13. So glad I'm not alone! I was an honor student and now I count on my fingers to subtract! What happened!?!

  14. My husband always knows where things are. Is such an annoying character trait! LOL

  15. Exactly! My youngest is almost 5, but I still have symptoms!

  16. I do that with the doors at work too. Good thing I don't close that often, because I'm afraid I'll set off the alarm pulling on them so hard!

  17. I'll take any excuse I can get!! LOL

  18. I love this take on "remember" - boy can I relate! I quadruple lock my car because I can't remember too. And I search all over for the sunglasses that are on the top of my head. Best one yet - searching through my purse for my cell phone, when it was in the other hand the whole time. Jeez.

  19. Katie @ Pick Any TwoJanuary 23, 2015 at 9:33 AM

    I totally have mommy brain, or in my case right now: Pregnancy brain! For me it definitely is because I do so much on auto-pilot that then I have no recollection of actually doing it...and then second guess myself over and over again. So frustrating!

  20. Now I"m making myself say it out loud, so I know I've done it. I probably sound like a freak in the parking lot!

  21. It's the auto-pilot that does it. I think that's why I craved routine so much over Christmas break.


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