Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Resolution Recap: How SMART was October?

I've been updating my resolutions every month all year. Some things I've made progress on and some not so much. Last month I switched it up a little and tried using SMART goals (Specific, Measured, Action based, Realistic and Time bound). Now it's time to update how I did with those goals and adjust my goals for November.

Goal #1: Save Money

Well, it's only slightly embarrassing to report that we made it to the end of September without dipping into our overdraft coverage. That's pretty good for us. Ken and I both stuck to our "no fast food" pact for the most part. We did buy pizza for dinner twice, but those were planned purchases for nights when we were celebrating. For the most part we didn't spend any money we didn't have to. I skipped the grocery store one week and we ate food we already had on hand.

Goal #2: Get in Shape and Lose Weight

I started out the month doing some exercises in the evenings, but then I got hit with some nasty allergy symptoms that had me feeling really drained. I gave up the activity after the first week. I went for a nice bike ride one afternoon with friends and it felt good to be out and active. I've been trying to watch what I eat as well. I had set the goal of seeing 128 on the scale. I didn't quite get there, but I saw 129 a few times. Actually, I did see 128, but when I stepped away to get my phone and come back, the scale went up to 129.2 just to make me mad!

Goal # 3: Clean

This is probably the biggest fail of all! I have been so tired this past month! The laundry is out of control due to a surge of bedwetting activity as well as me trying to swap out seasonal clothing for the kids.

In looking back at these goals, I think I was less realistic than I should have been. The fact is, I have maybe an hour every evening that isn't already dictated to me. On nights when I'm crazy tired, I go to bed. And if we have weekend plans, nothing gets caught up. I'm making my new goals more specific and realistic. And hopefully sticking to them!

New Goal #1: Save Money

It's getting close to holiday time, so I want to be extra careful with this one. I've already bought some Christmas presents, but making a list of what's already been done will help to keep me from panic spending as the holiday nears. I'd like to continue with the fast food goal, but I'll go ahead and allow for two free passes this month. Also, I'm going to skip the grocery store and "shop the pantry" at least once this month as well. We have a bunch of good food in the freezer downstairs; I just have to remember to cook it.

New Goal #2: Get in Share and Lose Weight

For a more concrete goal, I am going to get back in the habit of using My Fitness Pal to keep track of what I eat. It's helped in the past, so I know it will help again. I've set reminders, so I can't forget to log my food. I'm also going to take my vitamins. They seem to help me feel less tired so I can accomplish more.
As for getting in shape, I'm going to walk around my building twice a day. It gives my brain a break and helps me to get in some exercise.

New Goal #3: Clean

My cleaning calendar has been my biggest helper, so I am printing that out to get back on track with it. I'll allow myself to catch up on things if I get behind, but I'd like to have an 80% completion rate with those tasks by the end of the month.


  1. I did pretty good with cleaning this month, as for exercise I barely had time to do any and don't me about saving money, as clearly that was just a major fail here, too. Oh well onward and upwards to doing better this month! 😉

  2. Don't be too hard on yourself, sometimes life just gets in the way. Most important thing is not to give up on your goals, just adjust them better. I am in the process of adjusting at the moment as well since life decided to throw us a major curve ball!

  3. Good luck - I like the plans you have in place to help with the fitness and cleaning. And, I have no idea what we are going to do this year for Christmas - I haven't even thought about gifts or shopping!

  4. Good goals! I always set a few before the Holiday season too! Bravo on no fast food too! That is a tough one!

  5. These are great goals and ones I have myself...loosely. I need to take a page from your book and set them down in writing. Good for you.

  6. Good luck with your goals.

    I have issues with spending a lot of money on fast food too.

  7. Good goals! I didn't know you could set reminders on My Fitness Pal - I'll have to try that!

  8. I'm gonna give myself a pass for all of November due to impending baby-ness, but these are just about all what my goals would be too! Especially cleaning - I'm hoping for energy soon so that I can keep up with that better!

  9. Ugh, this time of year is hard. Holidays, darkness, cold. I was much more active and healthy up until this past week!
    I love your well-rounded goals, though. And cleaning is a good one for me!

  10. I have decided not to change the sheets until someone wets it. Because it is like a beacon to my younger children's bladders that they must wet the bed the night they have freshly washed sheets!

  11. I swear every time I make a commitment to clean and exercise, I get sick! And guess what!?!? I have a scratchy throat today. Grrr....

  12. I'm not giving up! I think updating every month has really kept me accountable. There always needs to be a few adjustments or tweaks, but as long as I'm making forward progress, I'm happy!

  13. I was even thinking about daily 36s or something. I don't think I know enough different exercises, but maybe with some research I could try it.

  14. I miss our friend Stacy so much!! LOL!! It makes it easier to skip it when I think of the health and wallet repercussions together!

  15. Putting them in writing makes me feel more accountable. I think writing things down makes them more real in general, but you are less likely to forget.

  16. There are times when I just crave a juicy, loaded burger! Like now...

  17. Well, I set the reminders, but I haven't seen them pop up yet...I might need to do a bit more work on that one. Of course now I'm checking my phone to see if the reminder has shown up and that, in and of itself, is a reminder!

  18. You get a grace period of a few months on either side of your delivery! There's only so much you can do the last trimester! I considered tying my shoes and great accomplishment at that point!

  19. I miss the sunlight! I've always thought that strange, though, because I sit in an office most of the day, so it's not like I'm getting sunlight during the summer either.

  20. That's my feeling too. That's exactly how it happens at my house! Unfortunately, I had a string of bedwetting incidents last week and I got to the point where I was out of sheets because I was so behind on laundry! Thankfully I'm almost caught up now!


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