Saturday, April 9, 2016

H: Humor #AtoZBlogging

My grandmother had a sign in her house that said, "If you don't have wrinkles, you haven't laughed enough." That always seemed true to me. My grandmother had lots of wrinkles, but she also laughed frequently. Everyone in my family did. And still does.

I'm not saying that we're never sad, or upset, or just not in the mood to be happy. But I am saying that my house functions best when it's full of laughter.

Ken and I love to joke with each other and with the kids. We don't tend to take things too seriously. The kids have grown up in a house full of word gags, silly movie quotes, and sarcasm. It brings me such joy to see them laughing together. In fact, I have lots of videos of just the kids laughing. That sounds just plain makes me happy.

I've tried recording many of the funny things that have happened while parenting; either on this blog or on Facebook. A few I've meme-ified. I hope you find some humor here. :)

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