Friday, November 7, 2014

Five Minute Friday: Turn

Five Minute Friday has a new home! Come check it out and join in on the free-writing fun!
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you; encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community...

Five minutes on turn...
I sat down with Henry at dinner last night. After I blessed myself I looked at him. "Is it my turn to pick the blessing?" he said excitedly! I grinned and nodded. I didn't think it was necessary to remind him that it was just the two of us. Benjamin is at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Frances was at ballet with Ken.
After dinner we went to the grocery store and he got to pick out all three cereals. He was so excited! He's been upset with me for going grocery shopping without him. I usually go on Sundays when he and Frances are in Sunday School. It's an odd hour when I don't have another good option.
I truly enjoy parenting one at a time. It sounds obvious that it's easier, but it really is. Not just because they don't fight, either. When I've just got one at home, I get the chance to really engage. No one has to take turns trying to be heard. I listen carefully to the whole story because I'm not distracted by two other people trying to talk at the same time.
I am fortunate that I have relief in my parenting. It may not always come as often as I'd like, but it does come. And sometimes I get a turn to be by myself as well.


  1. I love when I get to get the kids one at a time and since Lily is in pre-school half a day while Emma is full day now, it is usually Lily, but every so often I get Emma to myself, too and you are right it is just so nice not to have share or cut myself in half during these times.

  2. What a sweetheart! So glad you got some one-on-one time with Henry! I took my younger daughter shopping last Sunday to buy birthday presents for her sister, and we had a great time! I was pleasantly surprised because sometimes shopping with the kids is disastrous.

  3. In all of the kid swapping, Henry is the one I get to myself the least often, so I hope I made last evening special for him.

  4. Henry is so much fun! Especially when he's not competing for attention!

  5. I love this idea of the 5 minute Friday! I may have to join this.

  6. I have three kids at home, and since I homeschool them, we get to spend a lot of time together. It's rare that I have one-on-one time with each of them, but this week I was able to do just that. It's nice to spend a little time really engaging with each child - no distractions, no competition. Plus, it's nice to get their full attention for a change, lol.

    I like the idea of free writing for five minutes. I may have to give it a try. ;)

  7. Aw, I love having one on one time with my kids. I feel it's important.

  8. I adore one on one time with my kids! It is amazing and sometimes, they are so different when it is just them!

  9. I really adore one on one time. With everyone! Even with the dog. And of course, Cassidy. I guess the cats too, but not nearly as much.
    I'd love some alone time too..

  10. I love one on one time. It is so much easier to focus. Sometimes when all of my children are around me I do a really stinky job of focusing on any of them very well :) The pack is just too large!

  11. I love the one on one time too. It does wonders for both the child and me!

  12. It's a great writing exercise for me. I think it really stretches my writing and makes me think better. You should try it out!

  13. I've got three too, but I work outside the home, so I feel like I'm always trying to squeeze together0time into the crazy hour between getting home and going to bed. I try not to plan too much for weekends so we can connect better then.
    You should definitely try out Five Minute Friday. It's a great writing exercise!

  14. I loved you pictures on you and Tommy at Golden Corral! Made me wish I had a chocolate fountain!

  15. Henry, especially, is so different one-on-one. I think when he's with his siblings, he's in compete mode!

  16. We just need more time in a day, right!? ;)

  17. I think when it gets too noisy, my brain shuts down and all I hear is a low buzz!!

  18. It's great to be able to reconnect; whether with yourself, your hubby or your kids!


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