Tuesday, July 8, 2014

#TuesdayTen: 10 Things I LOVE About Summer {linkup}

Back in January I shared some of my feelings about winter with you.  Anyone who has known me very long, knows that I hate cold weather, but I was nice and chose a few nice things to say about winter.  It is not hard for me to think of 10 things I love about summer, because it's my favorite season!! And since I spend so much time hating on the cold, I try really hard not to ever complain about the heat.

  1. Sunshine! Winter make me sad. As soon as the weather turns nice, I like to go outside and just stand in the sunshine and soak it all up.  I love sunshine!
  2. Vitamin D--Aside from the actual warmth of the sun, sunshine is good for you because it supplies Vitamin D which our bodies need for bone development and other things.
  3. Being outside--In the summer I can spend time outside, but I can also, which low levels of guilt, send my kids outside. Just a few days ago the kids were getting on each others' nerves and I told them to go run around the house; one lap for each year of age. They love that!!
  4. Water play with the kids--While we don't often make it to the pool, we do go out and play in the water fairly frequently.  It's a great way to soak up some Vitamin D and burn off some excess energy.
  5. Vacations--We don't have a standing family vacation that happens every year, but we have been fortunate to be able to make some fun trips the past few summers. This summer we are going to the beach with Ken's family.  We haven't been to the beach together since Frances was a baby.
  6. Fewer clothes to wash--We don't need as many layers, so that creates less laundry. Plus, when the kids wear swimsuits, I make them hang them up in the bathroom and wear them again another time. You can't really do that with wet, dirty snow clothes.
  7. Growing vegetables--I love our little garden and it's coming along quite nicely.  Only a short while longer before I can go and pick my own fresh tomatoes!!
  8. Laid back schedule--Sunday night Benjamin was the only kid we had home. Somehow he convinced us that we should go out and play baseball after dinner. He didn't end up going to bed until 9 and it turned out just fine because our schedule is more flexible like that!
  9. NO HOMEWORK--I don't really need to explain this, do I??
  10. Cooking on the grill--Ken loves grilling food. He does it in the winter time, but he uses it a lot in the summer. When Ken grills, it makes less kitchen work for me. That's a win in my book!!
Do you love summer or hate it?  Tell us in the comments or link up your own #TuesdayTen post below!

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