Tuesday, April 8, 2014

#TuesdayTen: What's In My Van, Man!?

I had huge aspirations to clean out my van this past weekend.  Usually my weekend aspirations involve trying to spend as much time cuddled up on the couch as possible.  Well a lot of things happened over the weekend, but cleaning out the van was NOT one of them.  However, I still have blogging responsibilities, so in between searching the van and the house and calling all over creation to find my daughter's missing violin, I took a few pictures of what's in my van so I could write you this post.  HINT: My daughter's violin is NOT in there. Or anywhere else that I can think of either.  >:(

UPDATE: While writing the above rant about not being able to find my daughter's violin, her after-school program called me to tell me that they have found it!!  Now I am going to rant about not being able to find a million dollars in my backyard!!

Did I get off track? Sorry, that's my life! I think you were here to find out what's in my van! So before I get distracted again...here's the list!!
Have I mentioned that my mom and I have the same van?!

1. CDs--for my CD player that doesn't work.  I transferred my lovely visor CD holder from my previous van. Then I found out the CD player in my current one doesn't work.  Now I just leave it there for lack of a better place to keep it.  I also have my pickup tag for the kids' school, some air fresheners, and my Cursillo necklace/cross up there.

2. C&C--Not the Music Factory!  C&C stands for car seats and crap!  Frances has the backseat to herself, so she has a bit of a mess back there.  That green bin is full of distractions like I mentioned in this post I did about traveling with kids.  The boys sit in the middle row. Ben's seat is currently full of the contents of a goody bag from a birthday party over the weekend.

3. A secret compartment! I love this part of my van!! Under the floor mats behind the front seats there is a compartment you can open up and put things in.  You know those clothes that still fit your kids but have stains or holes in them?  Well I stash those in the secret compartment. If we are ever out and about and there is a clothing emergency, I have something to give them. It may not be fashionable, but it's better than nothing!

4. Foldable chairs--We have these camp chairs in the van mainly for soccer games.  They fold up small enough that they aren't in the way, so we just leave them in there between games.  Did I mention that Henry scored three goals in his first game of the season!?!?!?  I know we're not supposed to keep score in his age group, but this momma counted!!

5. Grocery bags--I love my re-useable grocery bags!  No more handfuls of plastic bags floating around the kitchen, spilling out of the bag dispenser.  I actually have enough bags to last through three shopping trips.  That usually gives me enough time to get the groceries put away and get the bags back in the van.

6. Umbrellas--These come in handy on days like today (Monday) when it's raining.  I think there's two in there now. There used to be three, but I gave one to a homeless man in the parking garage at church. Turns out I gave him the nice, non-bent one.  I hope it's still keeping him dry!
7. Gum--Frances has ear issues, especially with hills.  The two big trips we make most often are to my parents' house or Ken's dad's house. The gum come sin handy when we're driving over the hills on those trips.
8. Seasonal decorations--We don't always decorate the house for every holiday, but the kids really do like making the van look seasonal!  I buy sheets of vinyl clings at the Dollar Store and they put them on the windows.  These are a little out of date, but we're not ready for Easter yet.

9. Stuff that belongs elsewhere--There always seem to be thing in my van that are on their way somewhere else.  Sometimes it's a bag of clothes for the Salvation Army. Maybe it's a bunch of recycling I need to drop off.  Currently it's a display board that I used for a presentation two Mondays ago.  I just haven't run into Barb to give it back to her yet, so in the back of my van it remains.
10. Detritus--I love that word!  Not what it means, though.  My van is full of sticks and rocks and grass and mud and all kinds of other little pieces of trash.  It's actually pretty clean right now, but it could use a vacuum.

PS No one has called to tell me they found a million dollars in my backyard, so I guess that rant didn't work!  Oh well.  Make my day another way! Come linkup your post about what's in your vehicle! Or you can tell us in the comments. 

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