Monday, April 7, 2014

Resolution Recap: Can I Call a Mulligan on March?

I don't play golf.  I'm pretty good a putt putt. But I don't completely understand the term "mulligan."  I used it anyway because I'm pretty sure it means I want a do over.  In terms of keeping up with my resolutions, March was a big ole BUST! I've actually been dreading this post since about three-quarters of the way through the month.  And even though I was dreading that I was going to have to admit complete failure, that was still not enough to bring me out of my funk and get me moving on anything!

March was such an odd month!  We had so much bad weather and so many scheduling changes that I started to really have a hard time keeping track of which day was which!  There was a whole week when Benjamin was gone to my parents. Immediately after that was a whole week where Frances and Henry were gone and Ben was the only kid I had.  I missed three days due to weather at work and got behind on projects I was working on. Next to nothing got done at my house!

All through last month, I kept reminding myself that I can't give up and also that His mercies are new every morning!  With those two thoughts in my head, I am determined to make April a better month and get back on track.  And so I remind myself here of what I am working towards and why.

I need to take better care of myself through prayer, exercise, good sleep habits, and eating right.  I want a cleaner, calmer house for the benefit of my whole family. I can accomplish these things little by little. Sometimes even tiny step by tiny step.  These changes will make a better life for me, for my husband, for my kids, and for all those with whom I come in contact.

I can do this!!

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