Wednesday, April 16, 2014

No Mother is Perfect, and Most Days I'm not Even Trying!

Yesterday I wrote a post listing 10 of my mistakes and what I learned from them.  It was part of the #TuesdayTen linkup I co-host.  We didn't get very many people linking up.  There are probably a lot of reasons for that, but I'm going to bet that one of the reasons was NOT "I've never made any mistakes in my life, ever!"

You may (hopefully) know that I was a contributor to the recent The Mother of All Meltdowns anthology.  I have truly enjoyed being a member of that community of writers because it reminds me that we all have tough times and bad reactions.  It reminds me that we are all, in fact, human. 

I find it somewhat amusing that I'm not even writing this until 2 PM on the day I wanted to post it.  I've had this post on my planner since I plotted out the month of April back at the end of March.  And yet, as if to prove that I am far from perfect, I am über-late in posting it! I've almost ruined my perfect M-F blogging streak TWICE in one week!!

Now seems like a good time to tell you about two super amazing things that I have to share with you.  The first is the community that has been created in response to our book. No Mother Is Perfect is a place for moms to gather and chat/dish/gripe/bitch/celebrate all the different aspects of motherhood. Joining and participating are easy and fun and I strongly encourage you to go check it out.

The other fun and amazing thing I get to tell you about is the awesome giveaway we have going on for Mother's Day! This huge giveaway will have three winners who will be showered with amazing prize packages! Click here to enter!!

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