Friday, April 11, 2014

#AskAwayFriday with Sonya from Saving Everyday with Sonya K

Happy Friday, y'all! I'[m home with a sickie today, so this intro has to be quick! I'm so thankful I answered all my questions yesterday!

Today I am excited to partner with Sonya from Saving Everyday with Sonya K. She is a bargain hunter extraordinaire! She finds deals all over the place and shares them with the internet. If you're looking for a great deal, check out her blog.

For now, here are my answers to her questions. Don't forget to hop over to her page to see what I asked her. And as always, many thanks to our lovely hosts for #AskAwayFriday!

Don't forget to check out the #AskAwayFriday hosts:

Penny from The Real Housewife of Caroline County

Amber from Bold Fab Mom

Tiffany from Mrs.TeeLoveLifeLaughter

Stacey from This Momma’s Ramblings

Iread you are the daughter of a librarian so lets start with some library/bookquestions.


1. Every summer my family looks forward to participating in the summer reading club at our library. Does your family participate in summer reading club at your local library?
Our library has a great summer program. They partner with local business to give the kids prizes and free admission to places each week throughout the summer and according to how many books the kids read. My kids LOVE it!! We've participated for the last few years and really had a good time with.

2. Did you have a favorite book series to read when you were a kid?
I read a lot of Babysitter's Club books. I actually have two boxes in the closet of my childhood bedroom at my parents' house. My mom keeps threatening to send them back with Frances one of these times!!

3. Do you have any books that you have passed on to you kids or books that you hope to pass on to your kids for them to read when they are older?
We actually recently finished all the the Narnian Chronicles. They we wonderful. I really liked reading them aloud. It was a new experience for me. We just started the Wizard of Oz. I haven't read those since I was a kid myself. So far, they really like it!

4. Were you an earlier reader? If so, how old were you when you started reading?
I started reading when I was about 4; before I started school. A lot of it was probably memorized at first, but I guess that's how a lot of early readers start out.

5. Do you prefer to check out books from the library or buy your own books?
I used to buy a lot of books, but we are running out of room. I really do like the feel of a real book, so I check out a lot from the library system I work in. However, I've been reading a lot of books on my Kindle app lately. I love getting free books on Amazon and reading them.

I read that if you had to pick one store to max out your credit card at it would be Target. How about some Target questions.

6. When shopping in Target can you make it out in under an hour? Or do you like take your time to browse around and look at stuff just for fun?
It really depends on why I'm there. I don't do a lot of retail therapy, but there are times (if I don't have the kids) that I just like to wonder around and look for things. If I go in for something specific, I can make it a quick trip, but I am physically incapable of bypassing the Dollar Spot! Also, for the sake of full disclosure, last weekend I went into Target and didn't buy anything. *hangs head in shame*

7.I love looking at Target's Clearance. Do you checkout all the endcaps for Clearance deals?
I love finding a good deal in the clearance section! I won't say that I check them all out, but I do gravitate towards them, when I'm passing one.

Random Questions
8. Online or in-store shopping?
This really depends on what I'm shopping for. Clothes and shoes I like to buy in the store. Other stuff, like toys, or home goods I like to shop for online.

9. Have you and your daughter ever worn matching mommy daughter outfits? If so, explain the look?
It's so funny that you asked me this!! I just bought Frances a new dress for Easter and I found a similar dress in my size. I almost bought it for myself, but then I thought "What 10 year old wants to dress like her mom!?" Of course when I told her about it, she got mad that I hadn't bought it, so I may have to go back to the store. LOL!

10. What is your favorite breakfast meal?
I don't know that I'd necessarily call it my favorite, but I eat Greek yogurt almost every morning at work. If I had the time, I'd make French toast and bacon more often. That's a meal I really love!

Thanks for swapping with me Sonya! Don't forget to go check out her answers!


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