Tuesday, March 25, 2014

#TuesdayTen: 1978 Was Really Great!!

Ken and I went out last Friday to a fundraiser that happened to be at a local brewery.  I went up to the bar to buy two beers and the bartender carded me.  It made my night!  Then later I was helping to sell some desserts as part of the fundraiser.  I found a college-aged guy who agreed to buy two cinnamon rolls. As he was getting out his wallet, he was having a bit of trouble holding his beer and getting his money out at the same time, so I offered to hold his beer for him.  "Are you 21?" he asked me. I laughed, but it seriously made my night.  Either I look 21-ish or I still have the power to make half drunk college students flirt with me.  To be honest, I'm happy with either!

This week for #TuesdayTen, we have the assignment to research the year of our birth and list the top ten happenings of that year.  I turned to a few different sources to compile the list and had a really good time doing it.  I hope you enjoy...

The Hits of 1978!!

  1. Serial Killers  As I was scanning though the Wikipedia article on the year 1978, I saw something about a serial killer.  As I scrolled farther I noticed it again.  I noticed it another time and decided to search the page for term "serial killer."  TOO MANY ENTRIES!!  In February, Ted Bundy was captured in Florida and the Hillside Strangler claimed his 10th and final victim in LA. Later in June, David Berkowitz was sentenced to 356 years in prison. In December, the "year of the serial killers" (as I have affectionately named it) came to an end with the arrest of John Wayne Gacy.
  2. Popes On the complete opposite end of the spectrum, 1978 was the first time in over 350 years that we had three different Popes leading the Catholic Church.  In August Pope Paul VI died and Pope John Paul I succeeded him. Unfortunately, JPI died after 33 days of papacy. In October John Paul II became the 3rd Pope of 1978.
  3. Texas  Being born in Texas, this next one had to make my list, because in January of 1978 the Dallas Cowboys beat the Denver Broncos to win the Super Bowl.
  4. Communications  There is some dispute as to the actual year, but I'm going to go ahead and give 1978 some credit as the year the first cellular mobile phone was introduced.  Can you imagine living in a world with no cell phones? Sometimes I think it would be nice...
  5. Movies  Some pretty classic movies came out in 1978: Grease, Superman, Animal House, and Invasion of the Body Snatchers to name a few (that I recognized from the list).
  6. Music  I glanced through the list of notable 1978 music and quickly became overwhelmed at a list that means very little to me. Anyone who has known me for any length of time knows that I can sing along with almost anything on the radio, but I cannot name bands or singers or songs.  However, I can read charts and tell you that the Bee Gees had the #1 hit that year with "Stayin' Alive," John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John took #2 billing with "You're the one that I Want" (from Grease), and The Village People got audiences everywhere off their feet and spelling acronyms repeatedly with "Y.M.C.A."
  7. Books I can't touch on music and movies without also mentioned some notable books from 1978: Stephen King published The Stand.  Madeleine L'Engle came out with A Swiftly Tilting Planet. And Katherine Paterson won the Newbery Award for Bridge to Terebithia
  8. Weather Since I can't seem to get my mind off of the weather, I would like to point out that in 1978 a blizzard dumped huge amounts of snow across the Ohio Valley and Great Lakes region in January. Winds were recorded in excess of 45 miles an hour with temperatures in the single digits throughout much of the storm. They are calling for some snow around here today, but not this much!
  9. Births  There were quite a few notable births in 1978: the first "test tube baby," Louise Brown was born in July of that year.  Also Ashton Kutcher, Jensen Ackles, James Franco, Stana Katic of Castle, Kurt Busch, Kobe Bryant, and Katherine Heigl were born the same year as I was. That's a pretty good looking crowd to be a part of!
  10. You're welcome! ;)
  11. Last, but not least, the crowing  achievement of 1978...ME!! 
What's the best thing that happened your year of birth (besides you, of course)?  Add it in the comments, or do some extra research and link up below!

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