Monday, February 3, 2014

Resolution Round-Up: How's it Going So Far?

I've often said that blogging helps to keep me accountable.  By writing things down I feel more pressure to keep up with them. That is one of the main reasons that I wrote out resolutions for 2014.  Now that I have those goals written down, I think it's a good idea to go back and check on them for myself. I plan on making this a monthly feature at the beginning of each month. I don't plan on rehashing each one on the list. I just want to hit the highlights.  The ups and downs, ins and outs of trying to make myself a better person. Just because you fall off the wagon doesn't mean you give up on the whole journey!

The Ups
The good news is that I've been doing well with daily prayer and I'm even finding better ways to include the kids in that routine.  Henry is so proud of himself for reading the morning and evenings prayers and I get a little teary each time he suggests saying an Our Father or Hail Mary in addition to what's on the page.

Being still is still not easy, but I have been making a conscience effort to try it every day.  Just to sit for a bit and appreciate the quiet.  Turning off my brain is hard work!!

Cleaning house is still a battle for me, but I'm trying out a few things that seem to be working for me. We've been actually using the vacuum and the kitchen has been mopped twice this month!!  And not because something spilled!!

The Downs
I'm still working on my weight and exercise. My Zumba class was cancelled this semester because there were not enough people signed up.  Besides being disappointed, I think I've been unmotivated because of that set back.  My weight has stayed the same, which is better than gaining, but I really need to work on that.

We are still working on saving money.  Ken's truck needed a bunch of work to pass inspection, so of course that throws things off.  There are a few once a semester or once a year bills that come up in January, so those have affected the budget too.  We're making progress, but not as much as I'd like.

Did you make resolutions this year?  How are they going?  If you'd like to meet up with me here at the begining of March, maybe we can keep each other accountable.

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