Thursday, February 13, 2014

#AskAwayFriday with Christy from Uplifting Families

The Real Housewife of Caroline County

It's Friday and time for another #AskAwayFriday! This week I am pairing up with Christy from Uplifting Families.  Christy is a mom of three and she blogs to help parents learn new things to help make parenting easier! She'd got some great resources, especially if you are a new mom or a soon-to-be-mom.  You should definitely check her out!

But first, check out these questions she asked me and see how I answered them!!

1. I noticed that you and your husband have been married for a long time. What advice would you share with someone who just got married? 
I don't know if I know any big secrets, but what works for us is to be on the same page. We don't always agree and we certainly have fights, but at the end of the day I love him and he loves me and we have a beautiful family together. Our goal is to be together, and so we work towards that goal. It's okay to get mad and yell or even dislike each other for a little while.  Just try not to say things that can't be taken back, and be willing to admit fault and make up when it's time.

2. If your husband took you on a surprise date, where would he take you? 
The fact that he planned something would be the surprise! LOL!!  But if we got a chance to go out, we'd probably do dinner and a movie.  It seems cliche, but we don't get to do it very often, so it would be exciting to us!

3. Are you and your husband planning on doing anything special for Valentine’s day? 
I just asked him this Wednesday morning and neither of us has any real ideas! He'll be off from work, so that will be special for us because he usually works on Friday nights.  We'll probably have a heart shaped pizza for dinner. Does that count??

4. This winter has been crazy, are you looking forward to warmer temperatures? 
Yes, YES, YES!!  I am so ready to be done with all this cold and snowy weather! I am a summer, sunshine girl and I cannot wait for 75 degree temps and sunshine!

5. What is your dream vehicle? 
Another super boring answer: I love my Honda Odyssey! There's plenty of room for the kids. I can get into the back seats easily if someone needs help getting buckled in.   And the space in the back is awesome for groceries, bikes, or luggage; whatever the case may be!

6. If you were given $500 dollars to spend on yourself, what would you spend it on? 
I'd love to replace some of my wardrobe, guilt-free. I hate spending money on myself, but if that was the requirement, I think I'd be okay.  I'd also make sure to get rid of all the stuff I never wear and that doesn't fit, so I could make room for my nice, new stuff!

7. As a mom, what are three baby products that you couldn’t live with other aside from clothes, diapers, wipes, bottles, blankets, and burp cloths? 
I was just telling a friend earlier in the week that I don't even remember the baby stuff that well anymore! I loved wearing my babies when I got the chance and I had a sling and borrowed a wrap for them when they were little.  My boys are a little less than three years apart, so a stroller was also an essential so that I could put on in the stroller and carry/wear the other one.  I also loved our Bumbo chair because it gave me the chance to put down a kid, but still let him/her in on the action.  My boys didn't like being where they could hear things going on but not see them, so they loved sitting up in the Bumbo and checking out their surroundings.

 8. My daughter is 17 years old and started dating last year. I am thankful that my daughter waited until she was a bit older but I have seen younger kids dating. Are you prepared for your daughter to start dating? 
LALALALALALALALALALA!! I can't hear you!! I'm sorry. What did you say!?!  In other words: No, I do not think I am ready for her to start dating.  The funny thing is that there are two boys in her class that have crushes on her, but she's just in that space yet so she doesn't see it.  I've been on field trips and seen them competing for her attention and she is completely to it. 

9. You have been blogging for a long time. Have you ever attended a blog conference? If so, which one? 
I have never been to a blog conference. I didn't even really know what they were until last year.  I'd be interested in going at some point, but for us now it is cost-prohibitive.  And honestly, I would be more interested in meeting some bloggy friends than going to the talks. 

10. What is your favorite scripture in the Bible? Easy one!  My favorite scripture is Psalm 118:24. It's on the license plate of my car and I have it written on various plaques, cards, and pictures around my house.  My mom sang it to me when I was born and throughout childhood. Ken and I used a different song version of it in our wedding and I have sung it to my kids repeatedly!! 

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