Tuesday, January 14, 2014

#TuesdayTen: Things I Love/Hate About Winter

This topic will come as a HUGE surprise to anyone who has known me for longer than five seconds...NOT! I actually had this conversation with my friend Julie last week when the kids were out of school AGAIN. Julie is a teacher AND she was born in December, so she apparently likes winter, but I don't hold that against her.  After all, she is my best friend.

Also, I figure with this latest polar vortex that a lot of people are feeling the hate for winter right now.  But I am going to try to be nice and not make the list all about things I hate about winter.  I'm going to think really hard and come up with a few positives!

  1. Cold weather--Don't get me wrong, I enjoy curling up on the couch under a blanket, but I do that in July too. Cold weather just keeps me stuck inside and that makes me stir crazy!
  2. Chapped skin and dry everything--My hands, my legs, my face.  It all hurts from being so dry!  I've been drinking water to try and counteract it, but it's not working.  The 30 minute sauna shower in the morning probably doesn't help either.
  3. Static electricity--Benjamin won't let me kiss him goodnight lately because I keep shocking him!  That makes for a sad mommy!  At night when I crawl into bed, I can literally see sparks fly across the blankets.  My hair stands on end and all the socks are stuck to each other (not in pairs, of course) when I try to fold laundry. And don't even try to touch the cat!!
  4. SNOW DAYS--I don't mind an occasional day off from school.  Especially the ones listed on the calendar that I can plan for.  We don't have family close by, so if schools are closed the kids usually have to come to work with me or I have to use personal time to stay home with them. And then, inevitably, they want to go ...
  5. Playing in the snow--Three kids, one mommy.  I either get myself bundled up first and then die of heat exhaustion by the time everyone else is ready; or I wait til the end and the kids whine about waiting for me. And then we get outside and someone falls down/gets wet/has to pee and we all go inside, strip down and leave piles of icy, wet clothes everywhere!  No thank you.  I am the Grinch on this one-playing outside is NOT for me!!
  6. Getting out of bed--We have hardwood floors throughout our house.  In the winter my mornings go something like this: Kiss hubby good morning: {shock!}, climb out of bed: {ZAP!}, step on cold floor: {Shiver}, get in hot shower: {divine...ahhhhhhh....}, run out of hot water: {ARGH!!!}, stand naked in bathroom {kids come in, bringing arctic blast of air and leave door open} Need I say more?
  7. No sunshine--It makes me sad and sleepy to not be able to go out and bask in the sunshine.  And it gets dark at, what? two o'clock in the afternoon??
  8. Sweaters and corduroy pants--I like my winter wardrobe. It is cozy and comfy.  I have way too many corduroy pants, but then, I probably only have two pairs of jeans.
  9. Soups, stews, chilis--I do love some good winter food!  Especially when I can eat it curled up on the couch with a nice warm {staticky} blanket.
  10. Winter holidays--Thanksgiving (I know, not technically winter), Christmas, New Year's, Valentine's Day. Those are lovely little blips in an otherwise bleak season!
See my list is only 70% things I hate!  I think I did pretty good!!  How about you?  Link up your list of "Ten Things You Love/Hate About Winter." And maybe send me a humidifier!!

Your Tuesday Ten hostesses are:


The Teacher Wife

We hope you have enjoyed our Tuesday Ten Lists!  If so, please link up one of your own and share using #TuesdayTen!
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Come link up again next Tuesday January, 21, 2014 when, in honor of National Squirrel Appreciation Day, the topic will be "Ten Things That Distract You."



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