Friday, April 1, 2016

A: All About Me #AtoZChallenge

Happy April! It's April Fool's Day, but I don't have any tricks planned today. My kids are still with my parents for Spring Break and Ken and I both work all day. If you were here last Friday, you saw my announcement that I would be participating the April A to Z Blogging Challenge. That's not a joke either!

I have been in somewhat of a writing rut lately, and I've always liked a good challenge to motivate me and get me moving. I have seen this challenge in years past and thought about trying it, but I usually caught it too late and felt overwhelmed trying it.

This year I was a bit more on the ball and got myself signed up and even dared a friend to come along with me. I am excited to meet this challenge and get back into the habit of writing more often.

My theme for this challenge is "Back to Basics." I've been blogging since 2007, some months more consistently than others. I started this blog for two reasons: I wanted an easy way to share pictures and stories with my parents when the kids were young. I also wanted a way to connect with other people. I chose this theme because I want to go back to a time when blogging was more fun and less stressful for me.

I thought for the letter "A" I'd start out with some information about me. I'm assuming there will be some new faces around here and it's a good time to give everyone a little refresher course on who is in charge around here!!

My name is Rabia. I also go by "Mommy," "MamaRabia," and "Poopsie June" (but only if you're my dad on that last one!) I was born in Texas, but grew up in small town Virginia. I have permanently settled in slightly-less-small town, Virginia; in the Shenandoah Valley.

I have two wonderful parents, Blair and Madeline, who will have been married 48 years later this month. I have an older brother, John, and a younger brother, Alan. The five of us still live in Virginia, but in three different places. We're close enough for visits, but too far away in the opinion of my children and me.

I graduated from high school in 1996 and attended James Madison University to earn my teaching credentials. I got married six months after graduation to Ken, whom I had met while in high school, but didn't officially start dating until afterward.

In 2002 I accepted my first teaching position and then in early 2003 I found out I was pregnant with out first child. Note to others: Do not, if possible, get pregnant your first year of teaching! I taught for three years before the juggling act got to be too much and I stepped back in 2005. Then I taught preschool for five years and added two more kids to the family (2007 and 2010).

After five years of teaching preschool I felt I needed another change. I quit that job and took a position back at my alma mater, in the education department, no less. I never imagined myself as an office manager, but I love what I do and I'm excited to celebrate five years here in June. I manage the accounts and inventory and do the hiring, scheduling, training, and supervision of our student workers.

Ken and I will celebrate 15 years of marriage this summer. Frances is 12, Henry will be 9 in June, and Benjamin will turn 6 this month. We have moved out of the challenges and joys of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, and are now learning the ropes with school-agers and a tween. All stages have their blessings and their challenges and I try to keep a positive outlook. Some days it's easier than others, and I might possibly be a bit nostalgic since the kids have been with my parents for almost a week a this point!

As a family we enjoy reading, being outdoors, playing soccer, using our imaginations, and being silly together. We laugh at lot at my house!

A few other fun facts about me:
  • I am five feet tall. My hope is that all my children will grow up to tower over me.
  • I can touch my nose with my tongue.
  • I was born and raised Catholic. I've both worked and volunteered at my church since moving here. I am about to end my last round of teaching Children's Church after nine consecutive years!
  • I enjoy reading, sewing, crafts, and sleeping. 
  • My name comes from a nursing student my mom had in the Peace Corps in Afghanistan back in the 60s. I've met one other person with my name, but she didn't speak English and we didn't have a translator. You can hear how to pronounce it here.
Tell me something interesting about you!

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