Friday, January 8, 2016

One Word 2016

Last year I declared my word of the year to be purge. I think I did a really good job of getting rid of things around my house and in my head. I was able to take a much more objective look at things in my life and decide if there were compelling reasons to keep those things. My house is still not a showcase, but I can see it slowly becoming more organized and I am proud of my commitment to avoid adding new things to my house.

This year has had a rocky start for me. I got sick right after Christmas and then missed what should have been my first three days back at work for the year. My Christmas "break" was not much of a break and instead of feeling fulfilled and refreshed, I've been pretty down in the dumps lately. I did, however, return to work yesterday. I am feeling a little better each day and it feels good to get back into the routine of things.

My goal for this year is to continue with the progress that was made from last year and build upon it. I want to be more active in many ways. I want to get out of the literal rut I have created on my cozy end of the couch. I want to be more active on a daily basis for my health. I want to stop putting off the things I should be doing. I am determined to stop using "in a minute" as an excuse to avoid chores. I want to show my kids good habits so that they can develop good habits. Therefore my word for 2016 is: MOVE.

I wanted to pick a verb that would inspire me. I wanted it to be an action word that would remind me to keep working towards my goals. I wanted it to be a strong word that would be simple to remember, but powerful in meaning. The word MOVE is that word.

When I get home in the evenings, I am often worn out from the day. Some days, I say "just one minute" to myself as I sink into the couch. And then I don't get up again. On some days, few and far between, I go straight to the kitchen and start making dinner and emptying the dishwasher. Those are the nights where I can force myself to get things done and make progress on my house.

I know that if I can make the habit of doing one more thing before I sit down each night, I can inspire myself to keep going on a more regular basis. I know that action begets action and that the more often I fake the energy to get things done, the greater likelihood that I will actually have the energy to get things done.

The good news is that so far this year I have managed to run the dishwasher every night and we haven't had a backlog of dishes. I'm getting caught up on laundry and the never-ending piles of clothes we have. My newest idea involves taking baby steps.

My kids have always been pretty good about clearing their own plates off the dinner table. I have added the "plus one" rule, so that now they will each take an additional item with them. Frances is being taught how to remove the main dish, select an appropriately sized container, and get left-overs into the fridge. She's also helping Henry do the same thing. Benjamin has been put in charge of clearing the milk jug. It's simple, consistent, and something he can do without help. That usually leaves just one or two other items for Ken and me to put away and the table is completely cleared off!

I am hopeful that this will be a year that we all move towards better habits, healthier selves, and a more organized house. Do you have a word of the year?

Welcome to a Secret Subject Swap. This week 13 brave bloggers picked a secret subject for someone else and were assigned a secret subject to interpret in their own style. Today we are all simultaneously divulging our topics and submitting our posts. Here are links to all the sites now featuring Secret Subject Swap posts. Sit back, grab a cup, and check them all out. See you there:

Baking In A Tornado
Dinosaur Superhero Mommy
The Bergham Chronicles
The Lieber Family Blog
Spatulas on Parade
Rena’s World
Not That Sarah Michelle
Confessions of a part time working mom
Southern Belle Charm
Someone Else’s Genius
My Brain on Kids
The Angrivated Mom

My subject is “ What is one thing you hope to achieve in 2016? How do you plan on making it happen? ” It was submitted by The Bergham Chronicles  .

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