January 17th-Ditch your New Year's Resolution Day
NO!! I've been working hard to keep up with my resolutions.I am not going to ditch them. Especially so early in the year. I mean, come on. Why bother making the resolution if you can't stick with it for more than two and a half weeks?February 9-Clean Out your Computer Day
Let's be honest here. I'm probably not ever going to participate in any kind of cleaning day. Unless it's "clean off your plate day." That I could get behind!! Yum! Cleaning out my computer seems fairly useless to me. It's all virtual junk, isn't it? I've got enough real junk staring me in the face to worry about!February 13 (First Friday the 13th of the year)-Blame Someone Else Day
I've had this talk repeatedly with my kids "Take responsibility for your actions!" I know I need to set a good example in this one, as it is one of my pet peeves. Everyone wants to pass the buck and deflect blame. Not in my house. I'm teaching my kids to own up to what they've done and accept the consequences. If you do something wrong, you'll have consequences, but if you also lie about it, you'll be in double trouble!February 13-Get a Different Name Day
No thank you! I love my name. It's unique and it fits me perfectly. Sure, I'll never find it on a drug store key chain, but I'm okay with that. If you want to see the story of my name, you can read it here. You can also see the funny and helpful video on how to pronounce my name here.April 17-Ex-Spouse Day
I don't have one, and I hope I never do. Sure Ken annoys me. Probably about as often as I annoy him; but we made promises to each other and we plan on keeping them,. He's stuck with me!! I do see the benefit to other people though. If a relationship doesn't work out, it's best to be civil to each other (in most cases). I've seen far too many kids get tossed around because people who used to be in love suddenly can't be in the same room.June 3-Repeat Day
Seriously? Seriously!? I get enough of this at my house. In fact, we've recently instituted a rule that you can't say anything more than twice. My kids get on a kick where they say something in a sing-songy voice and then repeat it over and over again until you just want to rip out your eardrums. I feel like my whole life is a "Repeat Day" that I just can't escape.June 26-Take Your Dog to Work Day
I don't like dogs. I don't like tiny ones that yip and bounce and "would never hurt a flea" and I don't like big ones that bark and jump and sit on you. I've never liked dogs at all, so please don't bring them to work with you. That would make my day extremely uncomfortable...and smelly.July 12-National Different Colored Eyes Day
How would this work? Would I have to wear contacts, because NO WAY! I can barely stand putting on eye makeup, there's no way I'd be able to put colored contacts in. And why would you want different colored eyes anyway? I just don't understand.Actually, I learned that some people (less than 1% of the population) have two different colored eyes. Apparently Christopher Walken and Dan Aykroyd are two famous people with the condition!
September 6-Fight Procrastination Day
I might celebrate this...some day! Not!! I do try not to procrastinate so often, but it always seems to get the best of me. I'm working on it, but I think some parts of my personality will always work that way. A Type-A I am not!November 19-Have a Bad Day Day
You choose your attitude or your attitude chooses you. I know that there are some days that are just bad days, but I wouldn't want to choose to have a bad day. That's just asking for it, in my opinion. OF course, this holiday was apparently conceived in order to shake things up a bit, but that's just not how I operate.I hope you have a wonderful day. And if you celebrate any of these holidays, I'd love to hear why!
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I am so with you and wouldn't celebrate any of these, especially bringing my dog to work!! I love her, but still crossing the line!! 💖
ReplyDeleteThis was a fun post to research and write. I'm with you on the Bad Day Day. I'm not going to go out and choose one, when I have plenty throughout the year. Thanks for hosting.
ReplyDeleteThere was about a week when my son had different colored eyes due to an injury - yikes! We found out one of his favorite baseball players, Max Scherzer, has the condition permanently. Who knew such a thing existed?!
ReplyDeleteI've never heard of any of these! Who makes them up, and how do they find their way to calendars, anyway? It might be interesting to try on a different name for a day, just to see how it feels to be called something other than Christy! Names are endlessly fascinating to me.
ReplyDeleteOooh - my husband has two different colored eyes! I'll have to tell him about that day. Yes, he is a rare and special man. :)
ReplyDeleteAck. I would not like some of these. Repeat Day? No!
ReplyDeleteVery funny list. I have to tell you, I am SO doing "blame someone else day".
ReplyDeleteHa! I saw The Different Colored Eyes one and the Bad Day one - almost put the bad day one on my list! Totally agree with you on the others, too - except take your dog to work day. I love dogs and much prefer them over cats. I could take my dog to work! :-)
ReplyDeleteMy friend has one green eye and one brown eye! I didn't know she'd get a holiday, though!
ReplyDeleteOk, so I used to work at a place in California and you could bring your dog to work there. So every day was take your dog to work day!
Repeat Day? Nope!
I kept going back to the Naked gardening day!!!! Who does that???? Weeding while naked, yep NOPE!!!! My doggy comes to work with me every day, even when I am out of the office or the hubs takes her to work with him, she is a total couch potato, people love her and want her to be by them.... I just got a new laptop so I was forced to clean out the computer, and it felt good, but remember I am an OCD freak, this one I will keep more organized. :) Love your list, there were not enough hours in the day today to do this weeks. :(
ReplyDeleteWowzers, it's crazy the days people celebrate! I'm kind of scared about naked gardening day. Wouldn't think go into, um, crevices? lol. My work 'celebrates' Talk Like a Pirate Day and that has been a really strange day to see and hear (yep, they dress up too!).
ReplyDeleteThese are hilarious!! It's my brothers birthday on the 13th February - he would totally love the "blame someone else day"! and Darn it! I missed Clean Out Your Computer Day- I totally need to do this!!! I am procrastinating!! Is there a Procrastinating Day? I would totally celebrate that one! ooh and thanks for the name pronunciation video - I say RAH-bia, now I know it's RAW-bia :) maybe it's just an accent thing :)
ReplyDeleteBrothers are always looking for a scape goat! At least in my house!!
ReplyDeletePS I think it is an accent thing. I don't hear a difference between those two.
It does seem rather...messy, Nina!
ReplyDeleteWe actually had a woman in the building who trainied service dogs. She'd bring them in for socialization purposes.
ReplyDeleteWell, now you know to buy her a card!!
ReplyDeleteMy cat would freak out if I tried to bring him to work!! LOL
ReplyDeleteAs long as you don't blame me!!
ReplyDeleteMy life is repeat day!!
ReplyDeleteMake sure you buy him a card in July!
ReplyDeleteWho knows how any of these days get created! Sometimes I think people see a blank space on the calendar and get creative!
ReplyDeleteWhen is Blogger Appreciation Day? We should totally start that one!!
ReplyDeleteThat would freak me out! Did you see the article where the mom found her son's eye cancer because his eyes looked weird in a photo??
ReplyDeleteBad days just show up around here. I'm not going to go out of my way to find one!
ReplyDeleteWe all need a break, whether it's from the kids or the pets!
ReplyDeleteThat would be so cool....
ReplyDeleteThis is funny. I actually think I might like to celebrate many of these. It keeps the days light and interesting. I wish I would have celebrated "Clean Your Computer" day because I just lost a ton of files when my backup hard drive crashed.
ReplyDeleteSome of them sound okay, but others make me wonder what someone was thinking...