Thursday, May 7, 2015

I Mustache You Some Important Questions Today

This is a sponsored post that may contain affiliate links.

I mustache you some questions...Is your beard itchy? Your mustache wildly out of control? No, of course it isn't!! Most of my readers are women!! If my readers have beard and mustache issues, there's a (different) wax for that! Let me start again!

(I shaved these questions for the second paragraph...) Is your husband's constantly scratching his chin? Does your boyfriend's mustache become unruly by the end of the day? Do you have both a husband and a boyfriend?!?! I sincerely hope not! Geez! Maybe I haven't been getting enough sleep to actually write this post!

Third time's the charm, right?? Because this is a hairy important topic!

{OK, I'm done}

I was offered some beard and mustache products to review for my blog. After getting over the initial offense and realizing they meant for my husband to try them, I ran it past him. Thinking he would get some smoochies out of the deal, he went along with it. I've noticed him complaining that his beard itches, so I really did think this would be worth a try. His solution when the beard itches?? Shave it off! My solution? MOISTURIZE IT!

Beardsmen Spirit Beard Oil and Conditioner softens and moisturizes your your husband's beard. No more itchy chin! No more scratchy kisses! And it smells great too. Ken has been using this for almost a month now and he does like the improvement in both his skin and hair. He's also tried out their mustache wax. Initially he wasn't sure if this would be a product he would need, since he doesn't "style" his mustache, but he likes it because it helps keeps the hair in place instead of sticking up at weird angles (as they are apparently wont to do at some points during the day).

These products are both made with 100% natural ingredients like jojoba, grapeseed, and almond oils as well as essential oils. They are also made in the USA. They work well and smell great. OK, they smell manly and I'll admit to liking that! And to answer the question you are all asking right now, yes. Yes, this does lead to more smoochies. Beardsmen Spirit beard oil and mustache wax are a total win-win in our house! You can find them both at Amazon.

I was provided both of these products in exchange for an honest review. I promise to only review items that I feel are useful or beneficial for our family. I have provided affiliate links for these products. Should you choose to purchase anything based on my recommendations, I will receive a small commission. Please see my disclosure policy for more information.


  1. I love the way you introduced this. Absolutely perfect, but my husband is usually clean shaven, but if he wasn't would have to look into this 😉

  2. Oh my gosh, hilarious!! I might be offended at first too, but I am glad you took them up on the offer! Because I needed all of the laughs and it is good to know about this product. Thanks for sharing!

  3. HAHAHAHA! I love the pictures! I should look at this for my scruffy guy!

  4. ha!! You rocked this. This is hilarious.
    Cassidy doesn't grow a beard often but he came home from Brazil with this red and blonde little number. (beard..not other woman..I realize that came out oddly)

  5. What good is a product review if you can't have some fun writing it!?!

  6. Ken used to be and then he stopped shaving for some reason. I've gotten used to his whiskers now and he looks funny without them.


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