Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Joy! I Can Breathe Again!

We are almost through the semester! JOY! Most of the heavy work has been done and now I am just coasting through until summer session starts. The students have a week off, and while I still have to work, it's a light week. I'm looking forward to it. It is such a relief to ease back a bit.

April is such a busy time of year on a college campus and this year was no different. Add in the extra family stuff going on and I am just worn out! We've all been feeling a bit fragile. No one has been sick yet, but we're all run down and could use a break. So far, May has been a breath of fresh air. We are winding down with the kids' school activities as well, so we can focus on getting through testing and the other end of the year craziness!

It's the first week of the month and time for me to look back at my resolutions for the year and see how I am doing. I honestly couldn't tell you what all ten of those resolutions are right now, so I'm a little worried about my progress. However, I really enjoy this recap because it gives me the chance to recommit myself each month and stay on track.

The Good

I've been doing well with my walking goal. My step average has been at least 1,000 above my goal except for one week when I lost some data. I'm impressed that one week when I forgot to record a day, I still met my weekly goal!
I'm also keeping up with my monthly savings goal. I am 3/4 of the way to my yearly goal and the money comes out of my paycheck directly, so I am getting used to not spending it. Logging in to check my balance for this post filled me with joy. Especially since we are looking at buying a new truck for Ken. It's nice to know we have a buffer when that time comes.

The Bad

My weight has bounced up lately. I was sure it wasn't because there were days when I was too busy to get much lunch. Unfortunately, if I don't eat lunch, I eat a HUGE dinner and then some. I'm working to get that back on track. Especially because eating like that makes me feel sick and I don't like feeling that way.

Blogging-wise, I didn't get a VLOG in for April. I mostly just forgot. I also had a pretty full editorial calendar and I've learned that if I don't specifically block out these things, I won't be able to fit them in.

The Ugly

I have been able to pick up some books after giving them up for Lent. It was nice to get back to reading, but it's been mostly fiction again. I did read a non-fiction book about women in the Bible. I also read Lose the Cape for a blog review. Those are the only two non-fiction I've read this year, though, so now I'm two behind if I'm supposed to read one per month.

In blog-land, my page views have fallen off a bit. I've not been good about my promotion schedule, mostly because I've been mostly writing at the last minute. My goal is to get ahead of myself again so that I have more time for purposeful promotion. It seems that attention span in this business can be pretty fragile and if I fall behind with my own visits and comment responses, I notice a downturn in my own stats.
Have you checked back on your resolutions for the year? How are you doing?

I'm linking this one up for the #1Word Blog Challenge. This weeks' words are joy and fragile.You can find more details or link up here:


  1. Aw, so glad your crazy time is coming to an end and hoping that the next few months go a bit smoother for you. 😉

  2. Well done on the walking! Honestly I think I walk at most 3,000 steps a day, it's so bad. My doctor has advised me to include exercise 4x a week, so I've been doing a lot more this past week. And I'm so glad the craziness is over! April was bleh for me too so I'm happy to welcome May!

  3. I'd say you're doing great with your resoluions, Rabia. :) I know what you mean about not having time to promote, read other posts and comment, etc. Working for a living makes it hard to find time to properly blog. Seems like I always have to make a choice - either write a post, or read others. Never seems to be enough time to do both as much as I'd like. Guess all we can do is keep trying. :)

  4. Way to go on the progress of your walking goals! I am woefully behind on my reading, I just get almost narcoleptic once a book gets into my hands :)

  5. I've noticed the same with blogging - I've been terrible about promotion and interacting lately because I just don't have time. My own page views and interaction has suffered. As you know, we've been super busy lately, too. Things are beginning to slow down with my work at church as we go to a summer schedule on Memorial Day weekend with fewer activities. I'm just anxiously anticipating the end of the kids' school year - their last day isn't until June 16!!!!!

  6. Ditto here with blog numbers going down. I just haven't spent as much time promoting posts because I've been busy doing other things, and I took a blogging break earlier this year to deal with real-life stuff that kept me stressed and busy. I feel like I'm just now getting back on track.

    I'm trying to spend less time in front of the computer too, so that works against me in terms of blog promotion. I'm not sure what the right balance is yet. Also I moved and am now on Pacific Time, and it seems like so many of the blogs I link up with are on central and eastern time, which means I have had to do a lot of my promotion mid-afternoon now.

    I did start working out though, and I try to walk the dogs 1/2 mile to a mile every day, so I'm much better at getting exercise in.

  7. My daughter just told me today that her friend who is at JMU is coming home tomorrow, and I thought of you! It must be so nice to have a quieter campus for a few months.

    I rarely check my blog numbers anymore - I can't invest the time in more promoting anyway, so why depress myself? Yes, avoidance and denial are my friends.

  8. I feel like pageviews are just down in general, and not just for you! Comments are too. I haven't minded because life is so busy, and I will still always visit my regulars.. even if it takes two days or more!
    Wouldn't it be nice if we could all meet for a blogging weekend and just refresh? Sigh.

  9. I haven't been very good at promoting my posts. I spend a lot of time writing my posts, and reading other posts. Which doesn't leave a lot of time for promotion.

  10. Technically, I'm only 5 days behind now! woohoo! Getting caught up! LOL

  11. I don't check often. Just once a month now to see what direction things are moving. I try not to get too caught up in it, but it does have some effect.

  12. I have fallen off my weight goals also. I need to log back into MyFitness Pal and keep logging my food. I always forget the little add up quickly.

  13. I gave up on MFP for a long time. I have a hard time logging what I eat because I cook from scratch so often and I don't like having to guess about calories and serving sizes.


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