Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Chores I'd Gladly Give Up Forever {#TuesdayTen}

I am not a slob. I promise. My house is not neat and organized, but it's not a pigsty either. And I've decided that life's too short to stop inviting people over if the house isn't immaculate. So if you'll wait a minute while I move this laundry off the couch, you're more than welcome to come over and have a snack and chit chat for a while!

As most people there are a few chores I don't mind doing, and a few more that I can't stand. In honor of No Housework Day (A holiday I celebrate more often that I should!), I'm listing 10 chores I wish I never had to do again!

1.   Putting away laundry--I honestly don't mind carrying it downstairs, sorting, washing, folding and sorting again. When it comes to putting away, I get stuck! I make the kids put their own away and then I hide the huge basket full of my own clean, folded clothes, so they won't judge me. Or call me out on my hypocrisy!

2.   Washing pots and pans--Again, I don't mind cooking, or even loading the dishwasher, but when it comes to pots and pans...They live in the sink! I'd rather wash all of them at once than wash them as I go.

3.   Cleaning the cat box--UGH! I really wish I could pass this off to the kids, but something about that seems wrong, so I do it. Grudgingly. 

4.   Organizing toys--If you can't tell, organization is not a gift of mine. I have a hard time getting after the kids to clean up because I don't know how to begin helping them. We should probably get rid of 3/4 of their toys, but purging is not a gift of mine either (even though I'm working on it really hard!) 

5.   Seasonal clothing swap--This one is coming up, and as happy as I am that the weather is warming up, I am not looking forward to go through all the bins of clothes in my basement. I have hand-me-downs for all three kids, stuff that's still too big, and stuff they outgrew in between seasons. And I never know if I should save what they have now for next winter or if they'll outgrow it all. It ends up being a huge mess!

6.   Changing sheets--I guess my bed's not so bad, but the kids have bunk beds. Those sock when it comes to changing sheets! I try to make them help, but just getting all their stuffed animals out of bed takes half the day. And inevitably, as soon as I change the sheets, someone wets the bed!

7.   Purging paperwork--Will I need this owner's manual again? How about this receipt? Do I file this drawing Henry made as a class assignment? Which folder does this document go in?

 8.   Vacuuming--I guess I don't really mind the actual act of vacuuming; it's more the part where I have to move everything around to get to the rug. Thankfully, we have mostly hardwood floors, so that minimizes some of the vacuuming.

9.   Ironing--I debated putting this on here. Is it fair to hate something I never do?? LOL! Really the only time I iron any more is when I'm getting ready to sew. And those are just flat pieces or seams. Ironing creases into shirts and pants just makes my head hurt. I only do it if I have to.

10.   Cleaning the basement--That place is the scary dungeon where everything I don't feel like dealing with goes to die. It's a really bad habit that I'm working on fixing, but until I"m cured, there just a big mess in the basement!

How about you? What's your most hated chore? Would you put away my laundry if I folded yours? Please!

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The Liebers


  1. The one chore that I most definitely hate and despise is cleaning the bathroom, especially the toilet. It just is the absolute worst to me and definitely is my least favorite!

  2. Purging paperwork! YES! Mine is folding and putting away washing! I have a love/hate relationship with it!

  3. Amen sister!! It feels like the never ending chore with so many people in my house and it is my least favorite chore of all time!

  4. You know, I really don't mind cleaning the bathroom. There is a definite end to that job and when I"m done I can tell how much better things look/smell. I feel like most of the other chores are never ending!

  5. I'm always so worried I"m going to need something again!! Argh!

  6. I wanted to get caught up while my kids were gone because my mom washes all their clothes before she sends them back. It didn't happen! :(

  7. I hate putting laundry away too. I was positively gleeful when I started making the kids put their own away. And ironing...I'm with you. That's what Downy Wrinkle Release is for!

  8. I hate putting away laundry too.

    But I love new sheets! I mean, I guess it's a pain to get them back on, but then I get excited about sleeping on them.

  9. I would quite happily never do the dishes again! I don't mind laundry, in fact you and I have a bit in common there. I have a serious problem with putting away my clean clothes!

  10. I don't have cats mostly becuase I'm not dealing with a litter box!! Our basement is finished but the basement at the venue is CREEPY and I have had cleaning/organizing it on my list for 1.5 years (since we bought it basically!!) - maybe I will make the boys help me this summer.

  11. Ooh I'm with you on changing sheets. I don't even make the bed—my husband does that! And yup, I hate putting away and every other step of doing laundry.

  12. The catbox one is a bit ridiculous. One of ours uses the outdoors as her toilet, which is nice because she does it in the woods!
    The laundry thing one SUCKS so we all do it together. And if not, I watch TV while I do it! On my phone for portability. I also sometimes read while washing dishes. I am not making this up. I am that weird.

  13. I agree with all of these! I never thought to add paperwork to my list - I hate going through it all! Great post. :)

  14. I"m so thankful my kids put their own away. I'm only responsible for mine and the linens, but that's still too much for me!

  15. I love new sheets, tucked in nice and tight! Too bad they don't stay that way very long!!

  16. Dishes and laundry are just never ending. You can never complete those chores no matter how hard you work!

  17. I grew up with outdoor cats, so I never knew what a pain a litter box could be! Our cat has a neurological defect and I don't let him outside, so for now we're stuck!

  18. I don't mind my sheets, but changing the bunkbeds always gives me a headache or backache or both!

  19. I always have a basket or two in the living room and I fold when I get a spare moment. I'm trying to get the kids into the habit of putting away their stuff every day, but that means I have to have something folded and ready to go. Keeps me on my toes!

  20. Oh, the papers! Especially all the stuff the kids bring home. They want to save everything!!

  21. YESSSSSSS! Putting away the laundry is the worst. I'm the same with washing the pans but I have a strong sense of smell and can't stand my house smelling like food when I wake up in the morning (unless it's breakfast being cooked for me!) so I have to wash the pans at night. :( Changing sheets sucks too. The darn mattress is SO HEAVY. We don't have a cat for the exact reason of changing it's litter. I can't handle it.

  22. I'm joining in on the hate for purging paperwork and cleaning the basement. You will not stand alone!

  23. Food smells don't usually bother me unless it's from the crockpot, and those seem to infiltrate the entire house!!

  24. Thank you, Laura! We must advocate for a paperless society!


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