Wednesday, February 18, 2015

We Rise Again From Ashes

Today is the day I get to walk around waiting for people to tell me I have something on my head. That's right! It's Ash Wednesday!! Lent begins today and because of the weather the whole family was able to attend Mass together to start the day. The kids are out of school again and Ken doesn't have to be at work until noon, so the 7 am service fit perfectly into our schedule.

It also prompted a good discussion with the kids this morning about Lent and what their plans are. I'll be honest, I'm not sure yet what I'm giving up. I already don't drink caffeine or eat chocolate very often. I could say I'd give up Facebook, but I know that wouldn't really happen. Plus I use it for business and that would not be a good fiscal plan. I think I'm going to give up fiction. That's a good stretch for me and it also lends itself well to fulfilling my resolution to read more non-fiction this year (which I haven't technically started yet...)

I also asked Henry about Lent. Technically, he's young enough that he doesn't have to observe all the obligations of Lent, but since he's having his First Communion this year I told him he could practice. I think it's funny that every time I ask him to give up something he names the iPad. I'm not sure where that comes from. Does he regret all the time he spends on it? Does he think he can trick me by playing on the computer and watching TV instead? I'm never sure with him, but I'm proud of him for wanting to challenge himself.

A little later he was yelling at Benjamin about something inconsequential. They resolved it themselves just as I was walking by. I  looked at him and said, "Maybe you could give up fighting with your brother..." The look he gave me was full of wisdom and chagrin. Like he knew that would be a good idea, but also knew it not be something he could actually accomplish.

Let is a good time to really take a good, hard look at yourself and think about what needs to go. What can you change to make yourself a better person. As I just explained to someone who asked me about my ashes, it's a good time to think about your path and how you can re-align it with God's path. Are there things you frequently regret doing? Things you regret not doing? Are you on the path you want to be on? What can you do to get back on that path, if not?

If it's okay to say, I like Lent. I like the introspection of it. It's like another new chance to start over. An opportunity to shift the focus of my life back to where it should be.

How about you? Do you do Lent?

I'm linking up today with Lisa's One Word Challenge. The word choices were paradise, alone, and regret. This week I only got one!  Did you find it?


  1. I am like you and have no idea what I am giving up yet this year for Lent. Last year was hot chocolate, but this year so not sure.

  2. I don't do Lent, but I completely agree with all you said in this wonderful post, Rabia. Your explanation of the need for it is perfect. We all have things we could change in an effort to be more aligned with where we should rightfully be. It's good that each year there's a significant period of time set aside to remind everyone to do it. I wish you well with yours ... and you certainly managed to get me thinking about all the things that I should cast aside for a while. Thank you! :)

  3. I go through a similar process during Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of atonement. While I don't technically give up anything (well, other than food & water for just over 24 hours), I try to use it as a time to reflect and think about what I can change and do to become a better person. Wishing you a happy Lent (I'm not sure if you would actually say that....), or at the very least, an introspective one.

  4. I am LDS and don't celebrate Lent. People always jokingly say that to be a Mormon you have already given up caffeine, drinking and have to go to church for 3+ hours every week , so what else could you give up? I still find things though that I should be better on all the time! It's always good to evaluate isn't it?

  5. I also turn off the radio in my car for more reflection time. I'm not sure what the kids will say this year, though.

  6. Thanks, Marcia. I think the whole world could do with a little more introspection. Might solve a few problems!

  7. Thanks Bev. Fasting can be a really powerful way to get your own attention, can't it?

  8. LOL! We had a lot of LDS friends growing up. Actually, there were three LDS families and our Catholic family making up one whole Boy Scout troop!!

  9. I do Lent (especially since I work in children's ministry at my church!), but I typically don' give anything up. I have thought about it before and a couple years ago my hubby and I did give up soda during Lent. I saw this article yesterday and thought it was an interesting way to think about what to give up. I think we could all stand to give up a lot of these:

  10. I feel a little nervous saying this, but I am giving up complaining for Lent. I know I will fail at this, so if I catch myself complaining I will tell whoever I am complaining three things that I am thankful for. Thank you for this wonderful post.

  11. Karen @ BakingInATornadoFebruary 18, 2015 at 4:27 PM

    Nooooo. Don't give up FB. Anything but FB. How will I talk to you?

  12. I don't lent but it's funny for us non Catholics who don't know it's Ash Wednesday and get very puzzled in public until we figure it out!
    Don't give up Facebook because I'd miss you!

  13. I don't do Lent. However I totally support and respect anyone doing it! Had a little giggle at your pic...from Purple Tiara on #TuesdayTen to Ash Wednesday for 1 Word - it's been a big week for you Rabia! :) Good luck with whatever you decide to Lent :)

  14. Never!! I could never give up Facebook! Don't worry!! LOL!

  15. I spend the day ready to field strange questions. It's a good chance for me to brush up and make sure I know what I'm talking about!

  16. Lot's of selfies this week, huh? I don't often do that!

  17. Wow! Giving up meat for 6 weeks would be really difficult! That's commendable.

  18. Lisa @ The Meaning of MeFebruary 26, 2015 at 12:41 AM

    I love Lent. I don't usually give anything up, though. OK, not true - every year I swear I'm giving up swearing. It lasts like two hours. Seriously, though, what I prefer to do (and it was my Mom's thing) is to choose something positive to do. I do understand the give up sacrifice option, but I feel like the choice to do something - pray more, read the Bible, spend time volunteering, etc. - has a bigger impact not only on me, but on others.
    Great post. Glad to have found you. If I can get Disqus to answer my support request, maybe I can log back into my account and not comment as a guest!

  19. I should try to give up swearing...that wouldn't really work though!I like adding in something too. We're going to try going to our church on Friday nights for a presentation and simple supper. I'm just worried about having all three kids by myself, since my husband will be working. Pray for me!


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