Tuesday, February 17, 2015

If I Were King of the Forest...

As I write this, I'm sitting on the couch on Monday afternoon. I've been sitting here most of the day. I've been working on some data entry for a side gig that is turning out to be a little more complicated than I had thought it would be. I've got a sick kid, another who missed nap, and all three are home because school was closed. I had to use personal time to take part of the day off, but the other part of the day was covered because my office closed due to snow.

I'm not pointing any of that out to complain, but it sure does lend itself to a great setup for a post about what I'd do if I had my way for a day. I can tell you what I wouldn't do!! See above!

If I had my way for a whole day, there would definitely be some changes around here!

  1. There would be NO SNOW! I'm not a fan of winter at all, and being stuck inside with the fear that power will go out is the worst part of winter.
  2. Everyone would be healthy and in a good mood. That's a rare combination around here lately!
  3. I could say something once and get the appropriate response right away. If I say, "Please put your shoes away" they would end up in the bin where they belong. If I say it's time to go, we'd all be in the van within a minute and I wouldn't have to repeat myself or raise my voice.
  4.  People would say what they mean and mean what they say. No more of this passive-aggressive stuff. If I ask what's wrong, just tell me! And if I ask what you want for dinner, then pick something and stick with it. 
  5. All the chores would get done without me having to ask. Why is it my job to assign dishes and laundry? Everyone in the house can see that they need to be done, right?
  6. I get to pick the shows on TV!! I can't even believe how far behind I am on my shows! But whenever the TV is on, it's always someone elses choice!
  7. My friends and family would be less than ten minutes away. We could visit with each other and just hang out with no worries about drive time or guest rooms.
  8. I'd get to take a nap and read a book! Usually it's one or the other, and not always my choice. There are times when I really want to read, but I fall asleep as soon as I sit down. Or else I'm exhausted but I can't sleep and end up reading instead.
  9. I'd go shopping and all the stores would carry my size! And it would be on sale! That would really make my day!
  10. Calories would not count all day. I would eat whatever I wanted for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks and not have to worry about what the scale would tell me later. 

What would you do if you had your way for a day? Tell me in the comments or go all out and write your own post to link up below!

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Come link up again next Tuesday, February 24th, when we'll be sharing our first ten blog posts.

The Liebers


  1. Rabia, definitely no more snow for sure (sadly it is snowing here again as I type this). But still great list and hope your kids are feeling better now.

  2. I would definitely banish snow, at least for the rest of this winter (I do like some snow). There are mountains of it taller than me everyone!

  3. Our lists were similar! Love it - except for the snow. I'm a weirdo who likes snow and snow days. :-)

  4. I am now going to have that song in my head all day, Rabia! We have a snow day today - definitely not my way. And I'm with you on #8 - it's frustrating when I want to read and my eyes just won't stay open.

  5. Awesome list. I think I would join you in all of those for a day. Oh and by the way, I played the Cowardly Lion in a play and had to sing King of the Forest! ;)

  6. I think you would make a good King! I would like to live in your Kingdom!

  7. I agree - no snow/cold and no sickness!!! And, I would love a day to read and actually be able to read without any interruptions or my eyes sort of shutting:)
    Hope y'all are all healthy and back at the routine today!!

  8. Your kingdom sounds awesome. And you look great in a purple tiara, so there's definitely that.

  9. I think I'd get rid of winter completely. I like the other three just fine! People say they love the changing of the seasons so I say it just changes with three!
    And everyone would be healthy. And happy. And close in proximity.

  10. Can I come and join you Rabia! Your list sounds awesome! LOVE #4 - so true! Just come out and say what's on your mind! I have sooo many of my tv programmes recorded...just finding a time to watch them is the hard part! I plan to catch up this weekend! :)

  11. I hear we might get more today too. Ugh! I am so ready for summer!!

  12. I don't mind going to visit the snow, I just don't like the snow coming to me!

  13. It's been in my head for two days now. Just tryin' to share the love!

  14. That's awesome! I love the Wizard of Oz!

  15. You are more than welcome! Stay as long as you'd like!!

  16. I tried to read yesterday with a four-year old rolling around on the couch next to me singing. Didn't work very well!

  17. Thanks, Jill! I don't actually own a tiara, but if I buy one, I'll make sure to get purple!

  18. I'd be okay with that! It's not that I hate winter, per se; but I sure don't like it very much!

  19. I might sneak a day off from work by myself to get caught up on a few tings! I can totally fold laundry while watching TV!

  20. Karen @ BakingInATornadoFebruary 19, 2015 at 2:34 PM

    Most of yours would apply to me. If I had just one, not ten, it would be that my friends and family live nearby. I wouldn't need anything else.

  21. I agree with everything except #1. I actually like snow! LOL Well, as long as I don't have to drive in it!! ;)
    GREAT post!!! Wish we could all have at least one day just the way we want it.

  22. I don't think calories should count EVER. :) Great list. I do agree with Stacy, though - I like snow!

  23. Family close by would really make my day! I get sad when my mom says she's missing out on regular, everyday things. :(

  24. You can have all the snow, then, okay!? I"m done with it here!! LOL

  25. I'd be okay with outlawing calories altogether. Let's work on that!

  26. Dawn Spatulas On ParadeFebruary 20, 2015 at 1:18 PM

    Number 4!!! Great list and I see several that sound like me but 4 really is a pet peeve.

  27. Gosh, I would probably have written a really insightful intelligent post instead of one about farting AND I would have thought about the consequences of using ink to dye some paper flowers before dripping it all over the kitchen floor. I wouldn't mind a bit of snow though ..

  28. Wouldn't life be easier if we didn't have to dance around with our answers??

  29. Posts about farting have real value too. Don't sell yourself short on this one!!


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