Thursday, January 1, 2015

Word of the Year: Purge

Welcome, 2015! Welcome back, blog readers. I'm sorry if I left you in a bit of a lurch. I had intended to do some blogging over my break, but it just never happened. It even feels weird to be sitting here typing now. But I figured the first day of the new year would be as good as any to get back on this blogging horse.

I plan on doing a recap of our Christmas and other break activities, but tonight there is a word calling to me. It popped into my head all of a sudden and I wasn't quite sure why it was there at first. I had been thinking of New Year's Resolutions (more to come on those for Tuesday), but this didn't really fit the direction I wanted to go with them.

I finally realized that this word was giving me a mission for my year. Last year, I chose the word 'stillness.' I truly believe that word allowed me to savor the moments of nothing and delight in taking it easy. Last year we improved the prayer life of our entire house and I worked on teaching the kids about the joy of speaking with God and listening for His answer. Stillness was a great word for me last year.

This year, however, feels like a year of action. To be honest, the word that came to me almost sounded a bit angry and violent, but that's not the way I am choosing to interpret it. No, I believe this word can be a continuation of last year's stillness in many ways.

One of the things that I often complain about is that we have completely run out of room in our house. There is often a line for the bathroom, the hallway needs a traffic light, and there is stuff everywhere! I truly want to have a place for everything and everything in it's place, but I have finally realized that 'the place' for a lot of stuff is just not going to be in my house!

We have too much! There is clutter in our house, in our minds, and in our bodies. One of the things that I often recall in my moments of stillness is that God will always provide for us. I am really feeling called to realize that holding on to so many things "just in case" is actually quite an insult to God. In holding on to things, I am not trusting Him to provide for us. It seems especially stupid when the things I hold on to end up being completely useless.

Today in my kitchen, I found a Hello Kitty lunchbox that used to belong to Frances. It was on the shelf next to the cereal and it was in my way. I took it down to think of a better place to put it and I realized a few things:

  • Frances has a nice lunchbox that matches her backpack. She never uses this one.
  • There are no other girls in the house that need a lunch box.
  • We have other spare lunchboxes.
  • This one is filthy dirty and torn across the back!!!

Honestly, that lunch box sitting on my shelf just made me mad. I had held on to it in case we ever needed a spare one day, but the reality is that no one would have used it because of its condition. And it was no good for a donation because even people who shop at thrift stores have pride and no one would want a dirty, torn lunch box. Basically I had a piece of trash sitting on top of my shelves for longer than I care to think about.

Throwing away that lunch box today was a pivotal moment for me. I gave myself permission to realize its uselessness and just get rid of it! And in doing so, I thought of all the other junk in my house that just needs to go. (Incidentally, I'm typing in the kids' room after lights out and Idina Menzel is currently singing..."Let it Go!")

My word for this year is PURGE. I am going to purge things from my house, basement to second floor. I'm going to give myself permission to trash things that have no use and give away things that have no use to us. I'm going to purge thoughts and attitudes from my head that are keeping me from being the best me I can be. I'm going to be very busy getting rid of the things that are holding me back. And I'm still going to take some time to just be still.

How about you? Do you have a word for the year? Or a goal that you hope to accomplish?

P.S. If you like what you read here, I'd love it if you'd head over and "like" my Facebook page so you can keep up with me.



  1. Happy New Year Rabia and I am so with you on purging as it seems we have been doing a bit of the same here, as well these last few weeks, too. And also can say it feels great and hope to also continue with this trend in the new year now, too.

  2. Happy New Year Rabia! Yes I need to do some purging too. This year my motto is "Make it Happen - Make it Memorable :) Can't wait! See you Tuesday for the link up :)

  3. I didn't choose a word because one word wouldn't handle it! The purge is happening here too! We can do it!

  4. I think purge sounds like a great word for the year (and not at all harsh). I went through a big purge last year moving, but as we work on fixing up our home I know we will continue to purge even more. Good luck with your mission this year!

  5. I love these word of the year posts. A few days after Christmas we cleaned out our playroom. We bought this house from David's parents - it's where he grew up - and the garage was turned into a rec room years ago. When we overhauled another room in our house back in May, lots of stuff got dumped in the playroom on top of the mess it already was. The kids hadn't even gone in there to play in months because it was that bad. We got rid of so much stuff - some trash, some we gave away. It was bittersweet as we gave away dolls & other toys my girl had played with so much at one time, but it also felt so great to reclaim that space in our home!

  6. I love your word of the year!!!
    And, I have really enjoyed following along while I took a bit of a blog break, by reading your FB!!

  7. A good word! I am starting to purge out my house as well. I have found that sometimes hanging onto things just leaves us less time for people.

  8. Thanks Kim! I can't stay away from the internet completely!

  9. Amen! And I'm surprised how much less of a connection I feel to some stuff that's been sitting in the basement for years. It's like I don't even care any more!

  10. Purge is a great action word. I once heard the more you own the more stress you have. I hope purging results in a less stressful life for you. Happy new year!

  11. My motto is one thing in, one thing out. I must know exactly what will be given away or trashed before something new is purchased for myself and my husband!

  12. There are still some things I'll have trouble getting rid of, but sometimes the mood strikes and things have to go!

  13. I can see that: the more stuff you have the more stress you have. We definitely have way too much!

  14. I've heard that motto before. There have been many times that I've put something back on the shelf because I couldn't figure out which similar item to get rid of.

  15. As someone with an eating disorder, I have t otally different associations with the word "purge". Thanks therefore for allowing me to view this word from a positive angle, that is, that you can purge stuff that is useless or in your way (literally or figuratively).

  16. I definitely need to do some purging in my tiny condo! I like what you said about how we need to trust in God and that holding onto things "just in case" might be a sign of our unwillingness to trust in His ability to provide. Got to keep that in mind next time I have a purging day!

  17. I hope I didn't offend. I know the word has other connotations, which is why I was a bit leery of using it. Thanks for stopping by!

  18. It feels so good to just get rid of junk that serves no purpose! I've been donating a lot and that give me a good feeling too!

  19. I struggle to remember that all the time too. I really started wondering what I was missing out on by not trusting in His plan.

  20. I chose coffee for my word of the year - but I would choose purge as a close second! Love it!

  21. Coffee! That's awesome! The word of course, I don't care for the beverage. I hope we can still be friends. :)

  22. I chose breath, but purge would have been a better choice. I need to purge the bad influences in my life.

  23. I'm working on purge both tangible things (like clutter in my house) and intangible things (like sarcasm and a bad attitude). So far, the tangible stuff is easier!


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