Tuesday, September 16, 2014

#TuesdayTen: What I Want to Be When I Grow Up

I finished Peter Pan with the kids last month and the kids are still acting out scenes from the book and the Disney movie, which we watched later. What gets stuck in my head is Peter's refusal to grow up. Sometimes I think he had the right idea! I still don't feel like an actual grownup, and we all know I don't act like one!

Also, I love my current job and I have no plans to leave it, but sometimes I still think about what other things I think I might like to try. Some of these are more far-fetched than others, but it's fun to play pretend...even when you're "29 remainder" as my Julie says.

  1. Librarian-I work in a library, but technically I'm not a librarian. If I were to be one, I'd like to try it out in an elementary school.
  1. Waitress-I've never been an actual waitress. Sure, I cook, serve, and clean up after my kids on a regular basis, but I don't take orders!! Eat what I serve you or don't eat! Oh, sorry, I got carried away there for a minute! Still, I'd like to try it someday and see what's it's like.
  1. Professional Chef-Again with the cooking, but I'd like the training to go along with it. I could learn things like: "how not to slice off the end of your fingertip," and "sauces beyond ketchup"
  1. Archaeologist-I know I keep mentioning this. Maybe it's because the geology department is both below and above me. I should really go talk to them about this!
  1. Voice-over talent or audio book talent- I like to read. I think I do well with inflections and voices. My dad's way better at it, but I think it would be fun to read books out loud for a living.
  1. Telemarketer-Please don't throw things at me! I'd make it fun!  I'd try to at least make the calls interesting for you. I could maybe throw in a few knock-knock jokes on occasion.
  1. Bus driver-Wouldn't it be fun to just drive around all day? Maybe I could work for one of those tour bus companies and drive to famous historical sites all the time!
  1. A historical re-enactor. Every time I go on a field trip with my kids, I want to try out this job. I'd love to "live" on a long ago farm and spin wool into yarn or hang out with the blacksmith all day.
  1. Real Estate Agent-Really I'd just like an excuse to be nosy and see what other people's houses look like. If I have to sell them to do it, I guess that's what I'll do!
  1. Cashier in a retail store-This is one I've actually tried. I know that there are lots of pieces to retail work that are hard and soul sucking, but I enjoyed the interaction I had and the random casual conversations I had on a daily basis. Maybe when I retire, I'll go be the grocery store greeter!
What do you want to be when you grow up? Or are you perfectly fine in your current profession? Share with me in the comments or link up your own list for #TuesdayTen below.

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