Monday, September 15, 2014

Meal Plan Monday

Last week there was a silly holiday called "Swap Ideas Day." As is usual around here, I came across it late in the day but I still decided to post about it on my Facebook page. I got one nibble from Tia at Becomin Neurotic, but it was a good one and something I haven't shared a lot lately.

I used to be a lot better at menu planning, but over the summer I got off course. Now that school is back in session and routine rules the day, I'm trying to get back in the habit. I signed in to my Relish! account to find some yummy foods to get us out of the food rut we've been stuck in and I found some winners! Check here if you'd like to see my explanation of how Relish! works to keep you organized in the kitchen.
This semester, Tuesday and Thursday are our major activity nights. I decided to plan one meal for both of those days and the girls will eat it one night and the boys get it the other. There's no sense in planning two whole meals for nights when only half the family is home at a time.

This week we'll be eating:
  • Monday-Sloppy Jose's
  • Tuesday-Individual Apple-Pork Meatloaves with rice
  • Wednesday-Slow cooker roasted rosemary chicken with boiled salt potatoes
  • Thursday-Individual Apple-Pork Meatloaves with rice
  • Friday-PIZZA
  • Saturday-Honey Teriyaki Chicken
  • Sunday--Baked Tilapia with parsley and thyme and noodles
I'll be honest, I usually don't plan out my sides very well. We typically have a fresh fruit and a fresh vegetable to go with our dinner each night,  but I don't often make a side dish recipe. We prefer simple sides so we can focus on the mail course.

What's for dinner at your house this week?

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