Friday, July 12, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Present

1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community...

Five minutes on present...


I've had lots of people say that to me. Sometimes it seems cliche, but it always makes me think.  Am I here? Am I present in this moment?  There are lots of times that I'm not.  I fully admit to surfing the internet while the kids are watching TV.  My physical presence is there, but I am not present in that moment.  I do it to my husband too.  I tune out when he's talking to me and don't use those listening skills that youth group taught me about so well.

Being there for someone is a gift. It is a present to be present.  I like the way that word works both ways.  I feel like it is calling out a challenge to me today.  How can I be less concerned about my own little world and focus more on the world surrounding me?  How can I be more present in my own life?

While we were at our family reunion, Ken packed up the router and took it with him.  I had no internet when I got home (except on my phone).  I was actually a little bit sad when he plugged it in again last night.  That little box may be my biggest stumbling block to being more present.  And it's not that box's fault.  It's mine.  I own that.  And I am going to make the effort to give it a break.  To be more present to the people who are in my house, in my life, in my heart.  To give the gift of myself, my time and my attention to those physically in front of me.

Have a blessed day, friends.


  1. You are so right! Being on the computer can take away from being present in the moments. Life goes by so quickly so treasure those precious little ones now. I too love my computer so it can be a struggle to not do two things at once. But I love the lesson you learned when you didn't have access for a time. Wonderful FMF post!

    Blessings and love,

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I am hoping we can have some more screen free time this summer.

  2. Oh, man. You are so spot on. That little box is what keeps me from being as present as I should be at times, too. Like you say, that's really all on me. Why is it so difficult. VERY thought provoking!!! --Lisa

  3. I so agree with you. Electronics have taken over our lives so much even at dinner time. I've had to tell my daughter to put her cellphone away and even my toddler is getting addicted to my iPad. Time to put that "little box" away.

  4. It can rule you, if you let it. That is for sure. I'm working really hard on being more focused and intentional with my time and how it is used. Especially with the internet! But it can be so hard when you're a blogger- the internet never sleeps!

  5. It really can take over one's life. I have to try hard to make rules for myself as to when I may and may not be on line. It's easier for me, because I don't have a smartphone; my phone is an old flip thing that can barely even text. But I worry about people who don't make these rules. Do you know, I even saw a teenager at Mass a few weeks ago who clutched her phone right on top of her hymnal? I asked her after Mass if she had the order of Mass in there, and she said (shame-facedly) that a friend had texted her and she just didn't know how to tell her she couldn't text just then.

    1. Ken has the order of the Mass on his phone, but I still yell at him to put it away. I just think it looks tacky.

  6. I completely get this. This week, the Internet went out. I didn't know what to do! So, I just sat there with my husband and we watched a TV show. I know that's not totally unplugged, but it was more of a together thing than us on our separate computers.

    I think of this issue often - and I think I need to start instituting some "unplugged" time for my family!

    1. I think I'm going to have to purposefully schedule it if it's gonna happen. We actually played dominoes last night after dinner and no one even asked for TV.

  7. Love this. I refuse to get on the internet from my phone this summer while I'm at the town pool I'm there to spend time with my kids, see friends, and relax. Period. No blogging. No email. I'm just "there." Being present really is a gift!

  8. Spot on reminder that the present isn't just noticing the beauty and people around us, but giving THEM the present of our presence! Thank you! I'm having so much fun clicking random links from FMF ;). Glad I stumbled upon yours!


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