Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Teacher Appreciation Day

teacher appreciation school

Today is Teacher Appreciation Day. It is a great day to remember all the teachers who have made us what we are and all the teachers who help our children to learn and grow.  I had wonderful teachers growing up-I really only remember one or two that I didn't like. 

I had a teacher in first grade who was very kind to me at a difficult time. I had to have bladder surgery that year and I was embarrassed about having to go to the bathroom so often and terribly worried about having an accident in class.  She and I came up with a signal that I could use to leave class whenever I needed to without drawing undue attention to myself.

I had a teacher in middle school who made us do a project I absolutely hated (a family tree project).  Today I am thankful because of all I learned about my family in that assignment (but I'm still upset that my brother basically copied mine the next year).  I also learned how to read and fold maps and about all the geographic regions of my state.

I had a wonderful choir director in high school who helped me develop a great love of singing.  I sang harmony from the pew on Sunday because I remembered the arrangement from high school.  I had a crazy driver's ed teacher who used to stomp on his brake and exclaim, "Nevah trust a signal, George!"  (He called everyone George.)  I can still hear his voice in my head when I am trying to make a right turn while someone is coming that way with their signal on. (Ask Ken, I actually yell it in the car myself now when he's driving!)

I had an amazing Earth Science teacher who instilled in me a love of the natural world. In his science club we went spelunking, visited a cadaver lab and many other fascinating field trips.  I had a history teacher who made us learn about current events and write them down and take a quiz on them every week.  I appreciate that every time I read the newspaper now.

My kids have been fortunate to have wonderful teachers as well.  Frances still keeps in touch with her Kindergarten teacher because we see her at church.  In fact, just last night the kids just read a book that she had given Frances.  Henry is loving Kindergarten this year! Just this past month or so he has really taken off with reading and loves to find words he knows all over the house and in the environment when we are out.

Their after-school teachers are amazing as well.   In fact, when I try to pick Henry up early he gets mad at me.  He is having so much fun that he would rather stay at his after school program than come home with me.  I try not to take offense and instead acknowledge the fact that he feels just as loved and valued there as he does at home.

Benjamin has an amazing preschool teacher this year.  He loves going to school and always has great stories about his friends.  Plus, they must sing all the time because he never stops when he gets home.  Everything is a song!

I am also fortunate to work in the College of Education here.  I work with students who are going to be teachers. I hear their practicum stories. I see their dedication to the students they are learning with throughout their studies.  I see the extra tasks they take on to further their learning and I know that future generations will be blessed to be in their classrooms.

Today I say "thank you" to all of my teachers, to all of my children's teachers (past, present, and future) and all of the pre-service teachers (and school psychologists) that I am honored to work with. 

teacher appreciation school


  1. Great post! Isn't it amazing how we can still remember the fantastic teachers we had even when it has been years...they really are incredible and should be celebrated! :)-The Dose Girls

  2. Agh! I missed teacher appreciation day! (Can I blame the kid’s school since they don’t celebrate until next week? Sounds like you and your kids have had amazing teachers through your life. Love the story about your driving instructor!

  3. I'm sending in chocolate for the teachers. I figure everyone likes chocolate.

  4. What a beautiful testament to teachers - not just yours but to all teachers. I remember my great teachers too and they really do make a difference!

  5. I wrote a post recently about all of my teachers - I remember each one. Such an important career - maybe the most important.


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