Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How We Accidentally Weaned Benjamin From His Pacifier

This past weekend, I took my kids down to my parents' house.  I meant to leave Friday, right after work, but I never took a lunch break to pack, so I got a bit behind. I went straight home after work and put this kids' suitcases in the car.  Grabbed some clothes and other essentials for myself, stuck a binky in my pocket and headed out. I picked this kids up from after-school/day care and hit McDonald's for some dinner on the way out of town.
The interstate was packed with Friday evening traffic, but it was running pretty smoothly.  About halfway there, my parents called to tell me there was an accident up ahead.  As I got closer they called back a few times and re-routed me off the interstate and through Roanoke/Salem area. I got back on the interstate immediately south of the accident and had smooth sailing the rest of the way home.
I got there much later than I had wanted to, but the kids were wired from the trip and having a good time running around the house-especially after the special red jello with gummy hearts that my dad had made them.
The kids got ready for bed pretty late and as I was helping to get things together, I noticed I could not find Benjamin's pacifier.  I looked in my coat pockets; I went out to the van.  I looked through the kids' suitcases and came up totally empty!  My next plan was to just not mention anything.  He doesn't use it at daycare to take a nap, and he only ever uses it at bedtime.  Once everyone was in their "pajamas*" for the evening, I got the boys in bed and kissed them good night.  Benjamin said, "I 'ant my binky!"  I panicked briefly and then, very matter-of-factly said, "Mommy forgot to bring one for you, but you are a big boy and you don't need one anymore anyway." (I've been telling him that for a while just to set things up and get him ready.)
He climbed out of bed and refused to go to sleep for a bit, but I hugged and kissed him and left the room and he eventually went to sleep.  Saturday night and Sunday night at my parents' house, he did just fine.  I think my mom said he asked for it once, but she told him the same thing I had and he was fine.
My mom brought the kids back Monday afternoon and we went out for dinner.  We got home just in time for pajamas and bed.  I was a bit worried about him being back in familiar territory, but he asked, I refused and he didn't complain.  He did shove all of Henry's stuffed animals down the crack beside the bed; but that's another story!

Just for fun, here's a picture of Benjamin at breakfast at my parents' house. The kids wore these rain hats the whole time they were down there!

*I put "pajamas" in quotes because Benjamin was the only one with actual pajamas in his suitcase.  Frances and Henry both forgot theirs.  They packed themselves and I said to them, "Get three of everything, plus pajamas."  We do this quite regularly and they are pretty good at it.  After they both said they were packed I asked them individually, "Do you have three underpants? Do you have three pairs of socks? Do you have pajamas?"  They answered affirmatively to each question and I never went back to check.  Frances ended up in one of my brother's old Grateful Dead t-shirts and Henry got my dad's Spongebob shirt.  They were quite happy with the results, although Henry was afraid I would be mad at him for wearing a Spongebob shirt since he knows he's not allowed to watch the show. I assured him he was fine, and he went back to dancing around in it!


  1. Got to love it when a packing error is helpful! That's so rarely the case!! I love the pajama story, too. My kids would ALWAYS say "yes, of course we did it" to almost all questions (did you brush your teeth, did you turn the lights off in your room) I ask. It's their default answer. This totally would have happened to us, too!

    1. They almost always forget *something! I claim no responsibility for this!!

  2. That is awesome that Benjamin doesn't need his pacifier anymore! The packing story is so funny.....at least it was pajamas that they forgot and not underwear. :-) That's what my sisters used to always forget.

    That's cute that Henry double-checked about wearing the Spongebob shirt.... they must have a great mom ;-)

    1. HAHA! Underwear would be bad most places, but Grandma is prepared for that--she's got a drawer full of extra socks and underwear. No comment on whether that might be due to us forgetting in the past!!

  3. Yay, very cool. We're still working on getting Natalie to stop sucking her thumb.

    1. Henry (5) still sucks his. Mostly at night though.

  4. Awesome! I hear I was terrible to wean off of my pacifier. My sister finally was the one who got me to stop by giving me gold stars on the days I didn't have them.

    1. I was a thumb sucker, but I don't entirely remember the weaning process there.

  5. I am so glad it went smoothly. JDaniel was hard to get of his.

    1. Actually, he's been playing more at night because he doesn't fall right to sleep. And he cried for it briefly last night. I think he was trying our his plea on Daddy.

  6. apparently I was weened from mine by taking me to the curb to wait for the garbage truck so I could give it to the garbage man myself. Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday and commenting!

    1. That's great! My boys love waving at the garbage men on trash day. It's the best way to get them moving on a Monday morning!!

  7. That was easy! My son weaned off of his paci accidentally too. But his story was quite different. He fell off a child sized chair and hit his mouth on a desk and nearly bit his tongue in half! No paci for him! It was pitiful.Visiting from SITS!

    1. Ouch! That's not a way I'd want to replicate!! :)


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