Wednesday, February 13, 2013

40 bags in 40 days Challenge

Lent begins today with Ash Wednesday.  I always feel like this is a great time to make resolutions and check in on old ones that I made back at the beginning of the year.  This year, in addition to giving something up, I would like to add on something to daily habits.  I can replace one with the other and really benefit myself and those around me.

I am giving up social media and screen time when others are around.  I don't see the point (for me) of giving it up when I'm alone.  I see nothing wrong with checking Facebook or watching Netflix after the kids have gone to bed before Ken gets home.  But I know that Ken hates it when I check my facebook while we're snuggled on the couch. And the kids shouldn't see me with my face stuck to a screen at all times.

Instead of all that screen time, I would like to do the "40 bags in 40 days" challenge.  During Lent I will be de-cluttering my house be getting rid of 40 bags of stuff.  Some of this stuff will be junk that needs to be gotten rid of, but some of it can be given away or sold.  Here's my list of places to check:
  1. The steps going upstairs
  2. Steps
  3. Steps
  4. The kids' closet
  5. Bathroom cabinet
  6. Shelves by the front door
  7. Living room closet
  8. Behind the chair in the living room
  9. Toy storage in dining room
  10. Corner cabinet in dining room
  11. Sewing desk
  12. Bookshelves in dining room
  13. Buffet and hutch area
  14. Kitchen table
  15. Top of fridge
  16. Under the kids' bed
  17. Toy box in kids' room
  18. Storage under my bed
  19. My closet
  20. Top of my dressers
  21. Top of Ken's dresser
  22. Basement shelves
  23. Basement shelves
  24. Basement shelves
  25. Basement shelves
  26. Garage
  27. Garage
  28. Garage
  29. Upstairs guest room
  30. Upstairs guest room
  31. Upstairs guest room
  32. Upstairs guest room
  33. Upstairs guest room
  34. Office
  35. Office 
  36. Office
  37. Office 
  38. Office
  39. Upstairs closet
  40. Front yard and garden area
I will move this whole list over to a tab on my blog and you can check my progress there.   If you don't see pictures, please feel free to call me out!  I need some helping staying on track here!!

Are you doing anything different for Lent?  I'm not sharing to brag; I'm sharing to keep myself accountable. If you want to share, I'd love to hear!


  1. You mean one bag each day of lent right? Not 40 bags each day of Lent? I think limiting screen time when others are around is a wonderful thing. Good luck.


    1. Good catch! I fixed it thanks! (Although my house could probably stand for me to get rid of 1600 bags of junk!!)

  2. So what's in your first bag? Tell us and you'll inspire us!

    1. Melissa, I posted the first picture over on the tab. I got rid of one bag of trash, one bag of plastic bags to re-use and a bag with a dress and raincoat to hand down to Julie's daughter.

  3. I did a gradual clean out like this a while ago and now I keep up with it by trying to get rid of things once a month. Clutter and I cannot co-exist peacefully.


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