Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First day of School

Last night I was worried about the kids getting up on time for school, since we were out late.  Nope! They were up at the crack of dawn! Excited and ready to go!! We all got ready, I packed the kids lunches, they brushed their teeth and hair and we even had time to sit down at the table to eat breakfast together!  After all that we went outside to take some pictures.  I got some of the kids individually and a few of them all together.  Frances looks so big compared to the boys! I think she has grown quite a bit lately!!
After I took as many pictures as they could stand, they wanted to walk up to the bus stop.  25 minutes early!! I couldn't really stop them, so off they went!

 We hung out at the bus stop and played around.  Frances sneezed and I caught it on camera!! LOL!
 Benjamin showed me his new shoes with dinosaurs on them.
 Then he started walked away back towards the house. I called after him and asked him what he was doing. I though he said something about picking flowers, so I asked him to come back. He kept walking, so I had to go after him. He stopped at one point and said something else I didn't quite understand. I must have looked confused, because he looked at me and yelled "I POOPED!!"  So I called Frances and Henry and we walked back home. Then I was concerned that we would be late for the bus after being so early before.  It all turned out okay and Ken was able to get enough of a break from work to come see the kids get on the bus.

He took a picture of me with Frances and Henry.
 I took a picture of him.
 Henry found some sticks and pretended to be a buck while Benjamin chased him around the road.
 Then finally, after all our waiting, we heard the bus! It drove up the street...
 and the kids got on and went to school.
And then Benjamin cried all the way to preschool, "I want them! I want them!!" Not sure if he was more upset about Bubby and Sissy leaving or if he just wanted to ride the bus.
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