Sunday, May 13, 2012

Frances' First Communion

On Saturday May 12th, Frances made her First Communion. She had been asking about it since Kindergarten, so she was thrilled when the time finally came.  I was honored to be able to help with the preparation classes for First Reconciliation in the Fall and First Communion in the Spring.   All in all there ended up being 99 kids receive their First Communion this year!
I made this dress with some help from Gloria at Ragtime Fabrics.  Frances was so happy with it, and I am quite impressed with myself. It's nothing too fancy, but it represents my first zipper. Her head piece is from the veil I wore at my First Communion.  I had the tulle replaced more than 10 years ago, so I could wear it in my wedding.

 Papa came for this special event! He looks so proud!!
 Frances with Fr. Tom.
 Mommy, Daddy, and Frances in the Mary Garden afterward.
 My kiddos-Henry, Frances, and Benjamin
After Mass we walked to a restaurant downtown to celebrate. Lydia and Emily held hands with Frances as they walked down the street. It made such a precious picture!
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