Last night we went to Chick-Fil-A for dinner. Ken was out of town with his dad and I had forgotten to get dinner prepped ahead of time...OK, really I was just being lazy. So anyway, we went to CFA for dinner. Henry had worn his Halloween costume to school that day, because it's just a sweatsuit and he loves it.
After we got our food, Henry wanted to pick out our seats. He walked ahead of me to a table, passing a group of college students on the way. I was far enough back to be out of immediate sight, but not so far that I couldn't hear what was going on. As Henry passed the college guys, one of them said, "S'Up Dawg!?" Henry really didn't take notice, but as I walked past, I was laughing. Then I heard the student say (much more quietly this time), "Shoot! Mom heard!!" So I of course had to turn around and congratulate him on a well-phrased funny. He seemed a little embarrassed, but we all laughed and went on about our evening. I love this town!