Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The early bird probably forgot something

I mentioned on Monday that I had been early to work but had forgotten a few minor details in the rush.  Well Tuesdays are my regular day to have all three kiddos by myself in the morning because Ken has to meet the truck at work to get started unloading.  So Tuesday morning we were zipping along getting ready for work and school. I made sure to check that Henry had on a shirt. I remembered to have Frances comb her hair and brush her teeth. We got in the van and pulled out by 7:35-still earlier that usual!
When I dropped the boys off, I made a joke about double checking to make sure Henry had a shirt on. Then I realized that I had neglected to check if he had underpants on!!  We had a good laugh while I called him back to me to ensure that he did.  Whew!
I got to work early again and let myself in with my disappearing/reappearing keys and took a moment to feel proud.  Then I realized that I had forgotten my earrings!
This morning Ken was home to help out and I still got in the van at 7:35 and got to work a little before 8. Alas, I had forgotten my earrings again!  Maybe I should just leave a pair in my desk for these types of emergencies...I already have toothpaste, a toothbrush, dental floss, mouthwash, a sewing kit, lotion, chap stick, band-aids, and two drawers full of snacks! For, you know, emergencies!

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