Saturday, November 12, 2011

Florida, Part 4 (The ZOOOOOOOOO)

On Saturday after the wedding, we decided to spend the day at the Naples Zoo. What a fun place!!  Frances and Henry just loved all the animals and Benjamin screamed and cried every time we had to leave an exhibit to go to another one.  Chuck said he thought Benjamin was going to climb over the fence to go live with the zebras!! He meowed at the lions and loved looking for moneys in the trees.  I only took 237 pictures that day, so I will share a few of the best here.

Benjamin trying to move in with the lions.

Benjamin trying to move in with the zebra

Monkey on island
Monkey on boat (and Benjamin...hahaha, I crack myself up!!)
Adorable sloth picture for Jessica

Alligator feeding time (Yes, that is the same guy who was just holding the sloth; No he did not feed a sloth to the alligator)
"He's not heavy; he's my brother."

They had young giraffes at this zoo. One of the keepers told me that they procure baby giraffes because they are much easier to transport that older (i.e. taller) giraffes.  The zoo is raising money to help build a bigger, more permanent enclosure for their giraffes. For $5 you could purchase three lettuce leaves (!!!!!!) to feed to the giraffes.  I went to the kiosk to buy some lettuce and took Frances and Henry with me.  Since she was just getting ready to take a break so they could do a "creature feature" on the giraffes, she said, "Since you've got two kids I'll give you four pieces."  She was trying to help me avoid an argument, so I didn't say anything.  Thankfully Frances let Henry have the extra piece and everyone was happy!
Look at that tongue!!
They had a little playground near the entrance/exit with big concrete animals the kids could climb on. Benjamin was sleeping in the stroller at this point, though, so I only have the bigs.
Then we went home and played under the sink!
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