Friday, November 11, 2011

Florida, Part 3

Hmmm?  Where was I?  That's right!  After the day of splashing in the water with their clothes on, we decided it was best to take it easy the morning on the wedding.  I didn't actually get any {good} pictures of the wedding because it was indoors and I wasn't supposed to use a flash.  You will just have to take my word for it when I tell you that Christie was beautiful!  And Brian looked pretty good, too.
I did manage to get some fun pictures of the kids' feet afterwards! {Hey, you do what you gotta do to entertain cranky kids in the car!!}
So then we drove to the reception.  It was at a nice country club {You know, compared to all the country clubs I have ever been too!}  We had a lovely meal and then ate wore some cake.  
Well, that was Benjamin.  That boy has never met a "num num" he didn't like!
I did finally manage to get a picture of Christie and all the kids.  
{I didn't actually say you would get to see all the kids!}
Then we went back to the house to chill for the rest of the day!

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