Henry's class had a field trip this week. They got to go to a local pumpkin patch to play and pick pumpkins. They have a big sandbox near the entrance that everyone loved.
There are a bunch of these cutouts around as well. I have several years' worth of the kids pictures in various ones. I'll have to go searching for them!
Another perennial favorite is the junk orchestra. Lots of metal items are suspended from the frame above and there are sticks in the green bucket to hit them with. Amazingly enough, no children were harmed in the taking of this picture!
Being a farm, they of course have animals you can interact with. There are feed dispensers you can pay for, but this goat seemed pleased with the grass Henry offered.
We also got to watch a pig race. The girl in the green told her own version of "The Three Little Pigs" and had the kids join in on the repetitive parts. Then the pigs "raced" around the enclosure. I use quotations because out of the eight pigs that were supposed to race, only 3-4 of them actually run. The others just came off the starting blocks and started nibbling on grass and acorns.
The "best" part of the whole trip was when we got to ride a tractor up to the pumpkin patch and Henry spent 10 minutes looking for the perfect pumpkin, only to finally decide he didn't want a pumpkin after all! Stinker!!
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