Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Picnic at the Park

Julie texted me this morning about her plans to go to the library for story time with Laura.  Since we had just been the night before we told her we could go to the museum and then meet up afterwards and have a picnic together.  We ended up being later than I wanted to, so Julie and Laura came over to the Museum for a bit to play beforehand.  Frances hung out in the ambulance. When I saw her she had two broken legs, her arm in a sling and a neck brace on.  POOR GIRL!!  Henry switched between the ambulance and the Farmer's Market/Kitchen area.  Benjamin was just happy to carry a tomato around and WALK BY HIMSELF the whole time.
After the mommies got hungry and rounded up the kids, we headed out to Westover Park for a picnic.  The kids ate (a little bit) and then played on the equipment for a while.  Benjamin has discovered the JOY of climbing up all the stairs and sitting at the top of the slide and scaring his poor mommy to death!!  He also LOVES the swings. When it is time to get out, he turns himself around and won't look at me.  I think he thinks that if he can't see me, then I can't see him and get him out.  Silly boy, your mommy is (slightly) smarter than that!
The kids played hard enough to earn some good naptime and for dinner we ate quesadillas and watched a movie.
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