Monday, June 1, 2009

Meal Plan Monday

Last week went really well for me in terms of preparing dinners. I even had a night where I was running from one thing to another and slightly behind. It is the kind of night where I would typically pick up fast food for the kids. But since I had a menu all planned out already, I followed it and saved us some money and preservatives! Here's what this week looks like:
  • Monday--Ken works late and the kids are with my parents. I will be home alone for dinner, so I will just have left-overs. The frig is full, so this is probably a good thing.
  • Tuesday--Ken gets off early in the day, so he can fix dinner. We will eat grilled pork chops, mashed potatoes, and broccoli.
  • Wednesday--Ken works late. We will have quesadillas with chicken and mushrooms, rice and mixed fruit.
  • Thursday--Frances has her Pre-School Graduation picnic, so we will have dinner at the park. I should make some potato salad to bring.
  • Friday--Ken gets off early in the day. We will eat grilled steaks, baked potatoes, and green beans.
  • Saturday--Ken closes, so it's just me and the kiddos. We will eat baked ham, pasta and mixed vegetables.
  • Sunday--We have our Graduation Brunch after Mass, so that will count as lunch. For dinner we will have kielbasa, rice and corn.
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