People have commented to me about it before. I have just laughed along with it. But the truth is...My son had a mullet. There is no way around it. I can't hide that fact anymore. I mean we actually put his hair in a ponytail a few times. Which he hated, took out and then asked for it to be put back. But he's a toddler, he doesn't know what he wants.
I think it is because my kiddos take so long to actually grow any hair at all that I am so reluctant to cut it. But Ken got a hair cut yesterday and I finally decided it was time for Henry to as well. I got out the scissors, comb and plastic bag and then called the whole family together to witness this historical moment.

He didn't actually react like I thought he would. He twitched a few times when I got close to his ears, but that was because of the sound and not any actual risk that I would pull a Van
Gogh. He didn't sit very still, but I think that is because Frances was jumping around and excited and he always copies her (see
previous post). After every snip, he pulled away and would lie down on her pillow.

In retrospect, Frances' bed is probably not a great place for a hair cut, but it worked out fine this time. And in all honesty, I am NOT a hairstylist, but here's how it turned out.

For the sake of posterity, I found the bag from Frances' first hair cut and she was a few weeks over two years old at that point. And I think I only trimmed her bangs. But she is a girl and it's okay for her to have long hair. (I am a firm believer that it's okay for boys to have long hair, too...John, Alan, etc!)