I love the new purse you bought me, but do you remember when I told you that I don't like big purses? I said that I end up putting way too much junk in them? Well, I cleaned it out this morning and it inspired me to create a contest.
All you readers out there-clean out your purses or pockets. Leave me a message here on my blog with either the entire contents you found or just the most unusual things in there-please let me know I am not alone in my "condition". I will use random.org to pick a winner. The prize will be a Frances original story and drawing. You can even pick the theme. I will run this contest for a week to give infrequent viewers a chance to enter.
For the sake of full disclosure here is the list of what I found in my purse:
- 6 jars of baby food (I just put them in there last night to carry them out of the car because the shopping bag had a hole in it.)
- 2 lip gloss and one lip stick
- 1 pair or real earrings that belong to my friend's daughter and one pair of dress up earrings that belong to my daughter
- white out correction fluid
- an air pump that I have been trying to leave at school to pump up our playground balls
- hand sanitizer X 2
- sample shampoo and conditioner
- Tylenol
- 2 scented lotions
- sunscreen
- a pair of scissors
- a hair pick
- a Hulk ring
- baby spoon
- mini soccer ball
- a pair of socks
- Polly Pocket toy
- tampon and panty liner
- wallet
- 2 suckers and a mint
- 87 cents
- two pieces of mail from church
- my cell phone
- keys (4 sets)
- wallet
- two pens and a Sharpie marker
- two hair ties
- various coupons, receipts and other assorted trash.
Now I weigh 5 pounds less when I go out!!