Friday, December 1, 2017

The Stable Cat's Christmas

To abide by FTC guidelines, I am disclosing that I received this book from WorthyKids/Ideals for free in exchange for an honest review. 

One of my favorite parts of Christmas is unpacking all of the seasonal books we have. My kids are getting older and all reading chapter books at this point, but even the board books gets gasps of excitement when we unpack them every year. I really enjoy adding to our collection too, so I was excited to be given an opportunity to review a Christmas book for my readers.

The Stable Cat's Christmas tells the story of the barn cat who lived in the barn where the baby Jesus was born. All the other animals had gifts to bring to the newborn king, but the cat did not know what to offer. The donkey advised him to look inside his heart. "You have a gift-you only need to find it." And of course the cat does discover his gift and gladly offers his warmth to the newborn Jesus.
I initially had trouble finding this book to review because Benjamin had absconded with it. He had been sleeping with it in his bed for about a week before I found it when I changed his sheets. That was one point in its favor. Then I had Frances read it to her brothers before bedtime and afterwards they all ran off to find Oscar because he has stripes like the cat in the story. That was another point in its favor. When Henry left my room that night he gave me a hug and thanked me for letting them read "such a sweet story." And that, my friends, means this book scored a perfect rating with my family and I think it will with yours!

You can purchase a copy through Amazon or enter to win one below:
The Stable Cat's Christmas

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