Friday, April 7, 2017


Hey! How are you!! Long time, no see!! No really. I haven't seen or heard from you since my wedding. That you were in...Remember that? You were the one standing right next to me as my Maid of Honor.

I tried reaching out to you afterwards. We were in the same city for a while. I thought that was going to be fun, since we'd never lived in the same city before. It's odd that we were so good at a long distance friendship, but once we lived within 10 miles of each other, it just didn't work any more.

I'll admit, I was hurt for a while. I was ghosted before that was even a thing! I was busy with married life and you were busy with medical school. Eventually I moved on and gave up trying to contact you.

I've thought of you often over the years. Our moms are still friends so I hear updates from time to time. Those don't hurt as much as they used to. I wonder if your mom shares stories about me with you.

I realize that friendships and people change. I don't expect that we would ever be friends again. I do still wonder if I did something wrong. If I offended you or hurt you in some way, I'm sorry. I wish you would have told me. If the friendship had just run it's course, I wish you would have told me that too.

I bear you no ill will. I wish you the best in life.

This has been a Secret Subject Swap. My subject was “You run into an old childhood friend. Who is it? And why have you missed them so much?” It was submitted by Diary of an Alzheimer's Caregiver

Check out the rest of the participants here:
Baking In A Tornado
Spatulas on Parade
The Diary of an Alzheimer’s Caregiver 
The Bergham Chronicles 
Bookworm in the Kitchen 
Never Ever Give Up Hope 
Simply Shannon 
Southern Belle Charm 
Not That Sarah Michelle
A Little Piece of Peace 
The Angrivated Mom 
When I Grow Up

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