Thursday, February 16, 2017

When We Last Spoke

“Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post. Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway. If you have won a prize from our sponsor Propeller /FlyBy Promotions in the last 30 days on the same blog, you are not eligible to win. Or if you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.

I've been feeling a bit nostalgic lately. Packing and unpacking boxes can do strange things to a person. I spent a good bit of time tracking down my grandparents' old house in Texas for no other reason that to just look at it again. I also had a book I had agreed to read for a review that turned out to be set in Texas. While the characters are older than I and lived in a different part of Texas (a fictional one, at that), I still felt a very satisfying connection to this story and enjoyed reading it immensely.

Juliet and Evangeline Cranbourne had anything but a typical upbringing. After their father went off to war, their mother dropped them off at the grandparents' house and took off to live her dreams. Although surprised to be suddenly saddled with two young girls, Walt and Ruby made the best of the situation and gave the girls a loving home.

Told mostly as a flashback, the story follows Juliet and Evangeline (affectionately known as Squirrel and Rabbit) growing up in 1960s Texas. From the radio show, to the crazy lady down the street; home-style family dinners to unexpected house guests; Juliet remembers the ups and downs of her childhood and worries about the secrets and half-truths that have driven she and her sister apart.

From the perspective of adulthood, most of your caregivers' decisions can be justified, but that is a decision that each person needs to make on their own, and that is the reason Juliet and Evangeline need to spend at least one more Christmas together in Fireside, Texas.

About the author: Marci Henna was born in Austin, Texas and lived as a child in Kenya, East Africa with the Wakamba tribe where her parents managed a medical research station. She later moved to the Hill Country ranch which has been in the family since the 1800's and currently lives in Austin.

You can learn more about the Fireside Texas novels on Facebook, Twitter, GoodReads, or at
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Trailer on YouTube (

 *****Please note that the author will be giving away a FREE Kindle version from Feb. 20-24 on Amazon.*****

Or you can try to win one here: When We Last Spoke book & intro DVD promotion

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