Friday, January 16, 2015

Five Minute Friday: Send

Earlier in the week, Frances brought home a paper from school. She wants to sign up for the band next year and she needed permission to do so. The form had a place for her to pick out a first choice instrument and a second choice. The whole thing made me nervous. She's just in middle school and they track everything so early. I asked her if she understood what she'd being giving up in order to be in the band. She did (art, choir and drama). She sounded so sure of herself. 

She's at that age when she's making decisions that aren't the decisions I would have made for her. Don't get me wrong! They aren't bad decisions!! They are great decisions. Just not the things I would have chosen.

It makes me realize more and more that she is not me.

She is growing up into her own person!

She is becoming a young lady with thoughts, and dreams, and ideas I never expected.

Next thing you know we'll have to send her off to college!!

I'm not ready for that!

So I guess it's a good thing that also this week, I had the chance to pick her up from school after violin rehearsal. She'd had a recent disappointment and I wanted to spend some one-on-one time with her. I told her she could pick whatever she wanted. She chose to go get ice cream and watch a Harry Potter movie with me on the couch.

We snuggled under the same blanket and ate the same kind of Blizzard.

I realized that even though she's not me, she's still mine.

And even when we do send her out into the big world, I have confidence that she'll always know where home is.

1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you; encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community...


  1. So sweet! I wrote about sending our little faces off too. Happy Friday!

  2. You and I were thinking along the same lines today! I love the wisdom you have regarding your daughter. She is her own person and yet so much of her is you! Blessings!

  3. Awwww, I love this. The line that she is not you, but she is yours, melted my heart!

  4. Seriously, smiling reading this and I know that neither of my girls are me either, but truly hope they know they will always be mine ;)

  5. That's totally where I started crying, Echo!!

  6. Watching them grow up is so hard sometimes! Thanks for stopping by!

  7. It's always so interesting to see what happens when you put two people together and get new people. The similarities and differences are both fascinating!

  8. Your daughter looks so much like you, I am sure you two hear that a lot. Sometimes I wish we could freeze time. I see pictures of when my children were littler and can't believe how fast it has all gone by. Sometimes I think I sound like a broken record because I say that so much.

  9. I get the apprehension about letting your kids make their own decisions. Last year my daughter came home from Dance and told me she was asked to be on the competition team. I explained to her she would have to give up almost everything else, but that was her decision. :) They grow up so fast and it's hard, but we have to let them make their own decisions. :)

  10. Oh, this was so sweet - love the reminder that even though she's not you she's still yours - so true always!!!

  11. That's really sweet! We all want things for our kids but then the ultimate decision is always theirs even when we don't actually like it. Great job for making her happy! :)

  12. So beautiful. Yes, she is not you (even though you really look alike) but she is always a part of you, and you a part of her.
    I get nauseous at the thought of college, truly, but I guess it's all a part of this journey.

  13. My daughter has talked about playing soccer before, but I told her she'd have to give up dance and she decided not to. I wonder, though, if she would be a soccer superstar? Or maybe dance is where she'll shine. Or maybe they're both just fun for her and that's okay too. Parenting is hard!

  14. Seemingly a small distinction, but in a way not. I confuse myself sometimes!!

  15. Thanks Rea! I want so badly for things to work out for her, but sometimes I have to remind myself that it's her life to live.

  16. I hope so, Katie. We're just starting the teen years and things are getting a little interesting, but I think she still likes me (deep down)!

  17. Tamara, I really need to get a copy of this picture I have of my great-grandmother. Other than the clothing being seriously dated, you'd think it was me!!


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