Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: A Day Off

The kids had Friday off from school last week. I took the opportunity to catch up with my friend Stacey, who I don't get to see nearly often enough anymore. She has a boy and two girls, where I have a girl and two boys. We rode bikes, played at the playground, caught up with each other, and tried out Geocaching (more on that next week). It was a glorious day!

Go ahead, say it...I know you're thinking it!





  1. Love that you got to take some time off and definitely week deserved!!! :)

  2. Those are camels, right? I wish we had fall leaves and beautiful scenery like you have right now. Your pictures are lovely. It was 90 degrees here yesterday!! I think I will just pack up and head your way:)

  3. Awwww, I love the pictures! Especially the ass at the end! ;)

  4. I was a bit annoyed initially, but I'm glad we got to spend the day together and we had a great time!

  5. It was actually several different places, but they were all fun!

  6. Two camels, a horse, and a donkey. Fall has been especially beautiful here.

  7. WHO ARE YOU CALLING...oh...the donkey. Yeah, he was cool!

  8. haha! What do you know I want to say about the camels?? I am very curious about camels being there, though!!
    Geocaching sounds like SUCH fun. Treasure hunting!

  9. HUMP DAY!!!! LOL! I have always wanted to visit those camels, but I figured I couldn't because they're on private property. Turns out the owners encourage Geocaching!


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