Tuesday, October 14, 2014

#TuesdayTen: Pet Peeves

I have a husband and three kids. I also have two brothers; one older, one younger. You might imagine that I spend my days flitting from one annoyance to the next. Well, it's not that bad, and strangely enough, the aforementioned people don't cause that many!
Did you know that the second week of October is National Pet Peeve week? Did you know that depending on how you look at the calendar, this might be the third week of October? Hope that doesn't bother you! This week for #TuesdayTen, we're dishing about pet peeves. Everybody has a few, and today I've narrowed my list down to these ten:
  • Cabinets that hang open-The ones at my house always hang open because the latches are broken and we've never fixed them. The ones at work hang open because people leave them that way!
  • Time left on the microwave-Honestly, it's not so much looking at the numbers, it's wondering why someone took the food out before the time stopped. Who does that?! People in every office I've ever worked in, that's who!
  • Empty boxes left on the shelf-There's not much worse than reaching for a trash bag to put in the can and finding nothing. Or needing to blow your nose...with an empty box! This happens all the time, both at work and at home.
  • Foot shuffling-Pick up your feet when you walk!! 'Nuff said!
  • People who don't wave you on when they're giving you the right of way. I'm not a mind reader!
  • Or people who don't wave to say thank you when you let them go. Rude!
  • Overuse of the word "accident." No, son, it was not an accident that you kicked your brother.
  • When people trip over something in their way, but then leave it there instead of putting it away.
  • When people smell something, grimace, and then say, "Does this smell gross?" while waving it in your face.
  • Pretty much everything on this list!
How about you? What's your pet peeve? Tell me in the comments or make your own list and link it up!

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The Liebers

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  1. I truly hate when people don't give that little wave when you let them in when they turn in front of you when driving. Kevin always says it is women more then men that do this, but I make sure to wave all the time, but would be interesting I think to do a survey of this and see what kind of results I would get, but still either way it just gets under my skin.

  2. Your last one cracked me up! I am so guilty of doing that to other people, and I shouldn't. Recently, one of my friends (she's in the wine business) held up a glass and said "Jill, this is the most awful wine, you just have to try it." Uh...no.

  3. Oh the cabinet doors and closet doors!! You had to open it for the love of...... CLOSE IT!!! I thought of another while reading your list. Put a new roll of toilet paper on when you use the LAST of it!!! Come on people there is no fairy that does that!!! It's us mums! Hehe....

  4. Excellent list, Rabia and I love that you included the BuzzFeed link as a bonus. Brilliant! I think we were feeling the same way as we wrote our lists. Once I got started listing 10 pet peeves, I got carried away. Could have easily listed 5 times that many! LOL.

  5. People who don't wave to say thank you when you let them go - ooh that makes me so mad! And I just love when I sit down next to an empty roll of toilet paper - aargh!!

  6. I live in a college town, so here we blame all the rudeness on students. Or Northern drivers! LOL!!

  7. My kids do that sort of thing and I'll usually taste it. WHY!?!?! Parenting makes people insane!!

  8. Don't worry, Ray, it's closed...for now!!! Muahhahahahaha!

  9. Those BuzzFeed pictures make me seriously twitchy! I *love* the way you did your list!!

  10. I was starting to get annoyed because someone was installing the toilet paper roll upside down, but I figured out it was my kids and there is NO WAY I am going to complain. I wouldn't want to discourage them from doing it again.

  11. OMG! That Buzzfeed list slays me because every single one makes me crazy!!

  12. Kristi - Finding NineeOctober 14, 2014 at 6:01 PM

    HAHA "does this smell gross?" I NEVER smell it when my husband does that to me. And I had to laugh at "kicking your brother was not an accident."

  13. I really hate when you hold the door open for someone in public, and they don't smile or say thank you. It really makes me think they were raised in a barn. I mean, who does that???
    Hanging cabinets is so oddly specific! I feel you.

  14. I hear you on the whole empty box situation! The worst is when you have a nasty booger fly out your nose and run for the tissues only to find ... nothing, RAWWWW! Thank god for toilet paper.

  15. I mentioned a few of my pet peeves to Dana but I'm afraid to mention them again for fear of not being able to stop. That can escalate pretty quickly!

  16. Loved these! That second one is my mom's pet peeve. You should see how hard she presses the clear button when my dad has left time on it. LOL. My husband will eat the last of something like crackers and leave the box in the cabinet, so I don't know we need more crackers until we need more crackers. That drives me bananas!!!

    A simple fix for your cabinets would be some two-sided velcro. ;-)

  17. I'm late to this but I'm right there with you on so many of those!! The cabinets and the time on the microwave drive me crazy!!! And, coffee mugs left in random places - because I'm so "sweet" I usually take a picture and text it to Chris (since it's always his:) just to let him know that he left it there!!!

  18. It keeps popping up in my feed and I have to go re-read it every time!!

  19. I stupidly fall for the smell test every time! But I have a stronger stomach than he does, so if he can handle it enough to ask, then it likely won't phase me!

  20. We have a "door holding" policy on campus here and it honestly seems that people will hold a door at least two second longer than anywhere else I've ever been. It's nice, but make sit hard when I'm not on campus and people don't hold doors at all.

  21. NO kidding! I hate it when my husband moves the box or the kids empty it out!

  22. It does escalate pretty quickly when you start to list them. I made myself stop at 10. Then I considered writing the list of 10 pet peeves about my husband, but that's an article best kept private!

  23. Empty boxes in the cabinets should be illegal! I hate it when I really want crackers and I reach for he box and it's empty! Argh!!
    Your two-sided Velcro idea is genius! I'm going to get to work on that this weekend!

  24. LOL! I'd send pics to my husband, but he never checks his messages! He'd plead ignorance anyway!

  25. Cabinet doors open, drawers left open, people not putting back things in their proper places (aka my husband) LOL.

  26. I'm not calling anyone out, specifically, but I TOTALLY AGREE! ;)


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