Thursday, October 23, 2014

Bugs Beware!

Most summers we get ants in our kitchen. Some summers we have those little tiny ants and some summers they are the big black ants. Either way I hate them. This summer, however, we had no ants. I didn't mention it because I was sure I would jinx us and both types of ants would set up residence on my counters as soon as I said something.

Lately, though we've been plagued by flies. They are everywhere and I hate them too! They buzz around the table at dinner, and fly past my ear when I finally get a free minute to sit down and relax. Gross!!

Never fear, though! Ken to the rescue!!

I bought him an electric fly swatter for Christmas last year. It was sort of a gag gift, but he actually got really excited about it. The one I bought was from Lowe's and is similar to this one*:

It has two offset buttons on the handle. You hold down both of them and it electrifies the metal slats going across the fly swatter. When you hit a fly, it ZAPS! like a bug zapper. Sometimes the jolt is enough to kill the fly, sometimes it stuns it. Either way, you can easily pick it up with a tissue and dispose of it.

Not knowing that we already had one, my brother brought us this one at the beginning of October*:

This one has more of a mesh-type grid and a super cool lightning bolt design, but it doesn't seem to have as much power. It still stuns flies, but not for as long. It also only has one button, which seems like a bit of a safety issue because it would be easier to accidentally power it up. {Please keep both of them out of the reach of children!}

It's funny to me how much use we've gotten out of both of these seeing as how they were both mostly gag gifts. I even asked if we really needed two of them, but Ken insists that they are strategically placed around the house so that one is also close by in case of "emergency."

Have you ever bought a gag gift that turned out to be useful?

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  1. I love that this actually turned out to be used more often then you ever could have imagined. Definitely made me smile by the way, When you said, "Ken to the rescue!" :)

  2. This is awesome, LOL! I love the dual wielding in the last picture!

  3. I need that! I could be a mean double wielding machine too. The flies are driving me crazy! We are having an extended summer and that means the flies are everywhere. I open my door and about 5 zoom past me.

  4. That looks like a fun way to kill bugs!

  5. I so want one of those! I would zap them up. lol

  6. Those things really work?! That is too funny!!!

  7. I want one! My dad always walks around with a yellow fly swatter.. that he's had since 1980. So many fly carcasses on that thing.
    I think it's time to upgrade.

  8. I want one! Does it work on mosquitoes too? We don't get ants but every summer we are plagued with flies and mosquitoes!

  9. We have THE SAME PROBLEM! Guess it's time to break out our electric tennis rackets of death. Muhahaha!

  10. He loves hunting down flies! LOL!!

  11. Can you tell he was so happy to model for me!?! LOL!!

  12. Our storm door broke, so we've just got one door between us and the flies now. I think that's part of the reason they're so plentiful!

  13. It gives him great pleasure; what can I say!?! LOL!

  14. It's really a whole lot of fun!!

  15. They do! They work really well!!

  16. The one with the lightning bolt says it's designed for mosquitoes. I haven't tried it though.

  17. Go for it!! It's a good upper body workout too!


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