Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Falling into some Old School Blogging

It's time for another edition of Old School Blogging brought to you by Elaine at "the Miss Elaine-ous life".  I think we all know that Fall is not one of my favorite seasons.  There are things I like about it, but some things I could definitely do without. But since I have no say in what the weather does, I have to grin and bear it and tolerate it the best I can. I'm trying not to be a Fall humbug--I promise!

1. What Fall traditions do you have? Fall traditions at my house include schlepping all the summer clothes downstairs and going through fall/winter clothes to be brought back up. For some reasons this transition takes about a month at my house. Clearly I'm doing it wrong! Anyone want to come show me a better way?

If you're talking fun Fall stuff, we love to go apple picking and visit the pumpkin patch. 

2. What is your favorite fall recipe? To be fair, I am looking forward to being able to cook some more Fall-type foods. I love summer fare, but I've had about enough of it for the time being. I'm ready to make chili and stew and make some yummy soups! I also love apple desserts and banana bread. I'm not a huge fan of pumpkin, but we can still be friends, right?

3. What is a favorite Fall photo (or photos) you’ve taken? This is one of those times I wish my photos were better organized. Fall is a beautiful time for pictures. The colors are so rich and the props are fun too: corn stalks, pumpkins, chrysanthemums! I also love Halloween pictures and pictures of family together at Thanksgiving.

4. Football – love it or hate it (maybe it steals your hubby away)? I feel pretty "eh" about football. Ken watches it when he can, but he misses a lot of games because of work. I don't mind sports when they are live (as opposed to on television) so maybe we can get to a JMU game this year. The stars would have to align perfectly for Ken to have the time off when there's a home game and we can afford tickets, though!

5. What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid? I don't remember too many of my costumes from childhood. I do remember we had a big bag full of random costume pieces that we used to create some interesting combinations from. One year, I went as a hippy. I ripped the outside seams out of a pair of my jeans and added in some hideous fabric to make my own bell bottoms. I wasn't a kid that year though. That might have been high school or college.

6. Pumpkins or Ghosts or both? I think they both make great decorations! We don't go full out ghoulish at my house, but we've got some fun items in both categories as well as Frankenstein's monster and witches.

7. What’s your favorite fall fashion item (boots? scarves? sweaters?, etc.) I do love Fall fashion. I love sweaters and corduroys, scarves and boots, fun socks and hoodies.  I struggle every year with whether or not my cords look professional enough to wear to work.

8. Is “leaf pile jumping” your thing or not? We don't have enough trees in our yard to make this question an issue. If we find a pile of leaves somewhere, I am more than happy to jump in it with the kids. I just hate the part where you have to rake it back up again!
Fun with leaves at my parents' house

9. Is “It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” a must-watch at your house? <whispering> I don't think my kids have ever seen it!  I'm not good at letting the kids stay up late to watch things like that. I should probably DVR it sometime and let them see it on a Saturday.  

10. What are you going to be for Halloween this year (or your kids…)?I'm thinking we're going for a Frozen theme, although I'm not sure we can pull it off. Frances wants to be Elsa and Henry is excited about the Olaf costume I said I would make him. Benjamin, however, wants to be Batman (like he was last year) and he had refused any Frozen-related suggestions. I think he'd made a cute Sven. Maybe I'll be Sven...I haven't really decided yet!

What does Fall look like in your neck of the woods?


  1. #9. Me too! (shhhh) I'm looking forward to your Frozen costumes. Love that movie.

  2. I wish we have FALL here in the Philippines! I love looking at the color of the leaves changing. *Sigh. And leaf pile jumping sounds fun but I do have to say, it's a lot of time to clean up too. LOL


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