Thursday, August 14, 2014

Old School Blogging: Summer Style

My blogging schedule has been pretty non-existent this month, so I was really excited to see Elaine offer up a new set of Old School Blogging questions! Just perfect for today, in my opinion.
If you'd like to join in, just copy the questions and answer them on your own blog. Don't forget to go link up at Elaine's place.

What was your favorite thing you did alone this summer?
With my work schedule this summer, I actually had quite a lot of alone time. I was home most afternoons around 12:30 and had a few hours to myself before I had to get kids from camp or daycare. It sounds crazy, especially coming from me, but my favorite thing I did this summer was clean and organize my house. 

What was your favorite thing you did as a family this summer?
Hands down, I think the best thing we did together this summer was going to North Myrtle Beach. Sadly, it is pretty much the only thing we did all together as a family. Even if there had been competition, though, the beach still would have been my favorite!

What books did you read this summer?
I read and re-read a ton of books this summer!! I can't possibly list them all, mainly because I'm not sure I'd even remember them all. I read a lot of romance novels. I found a lot of free ones on Amazon for my Kindle. Some of them were a waste of space, but there were some good ones too. I also read some great books with the kids: a few Wizard of Oz books, The Secret Garden, and we're finishing Peter Pan.

What do you WISH you had done this summer?
I really wish we had been able to go camping. I guess technically it's not too late. We could still go for a weekend, but I had hoped we'd get in a good week-long trip to the woods.

What movies did you see this summer (if any)?
I don't think I've been to the theater since Frozen came out, but we did watch some at home that we enjoyed. The Lego Movie was a big hit here with all five of us.

Where did you travel this summer?
I did a lot of travelling between here and Natural Bridge because that's the halfway point between my parents' house and mine. We did a lot of kid swapping at that Exxon there!! Obviously, we took a trip to North Myrtle Beach for a week. I don't think we went anywhere else.

What was your favorite treat (as in dessert) this summer?
My friend Julie had a wine party at her house back in July. She served up some delicious food that perfectly complimented the wines. She had some strawberry cheesecake bites that were just heavenly!

What did you celebrate this summer?
Right at the beginning of the summer we celebrated Henry's 7th birthday. Then a few weeks later we celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary.  

Did you grow anything this summer? 
Our garden has been mostly a flop, but we did manage to grow some tomatoes and zucchini. The verdict is still out on the Brussels sprouts. 

What is a favorite post (if you blog) that you wrote this Summer?
I had a couple of good ones this summer. If you're looking for something silly, you can check out my Really Bad Poetry About Sleep.  If you want something more technical, you can read my tutorial on Image Mapping. And if you need a spiritual lift, there's Pennies Dimes From Heaven.

What is a favorite photograph that you took this summer?
My favorite pictures to take this summer were the reunion shots of my kids.  They took turns visiting my parents, so they were away from each other, sometimes for two weeks in a row. When I got them back together they were so excited to see each other I couldn't help but photograph them. Of course they usually started fighting again in the van on the way home, but it was nice while it lasted!

What do you want to do next summer?
I'm really hoping we can make camping happen next year. Another thing I've been hoping to do is to take a family vacation that's just us. We are very fortunate to spend time with extended family, but we don't often get the chance for just the five of us to hang out. 
Also linking up here:

How about your summer?  Any highlights you'd like to share?

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